The Kitchen Triangle? Are there homes that wouldn't have that setup?

Anything that predates this theory will have a different layout.


Explain what you do have though?

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True, true!

So most houses in Europe will predate this layout, unless they have been modernized.

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Yes, exactly.

I was thinking in terms of the semi-newer or just newer homes.

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And this is true…


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Gah! That is interesting.

In what way?


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Does your kitchen have that setup or the home is older?

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Everything is linear because of it being a Council Housing (UK)… I have a single sided Galley Kitchen, all linear, no triangle set up at all…

But this is again due to it being an older build, and a cheap set up by our Local Authority housing (Council Housing)…

You work with what you got I guess…



Someone else mentioned the Council Housing. Is it really that bad in the UK?
What problems are they causing?

I am just curious, forgive my rudeness.

They are not the best… But depending on where in the country you live, also depends upon the level of shitty-ness of the quality of housing…

“It’s grim up north!” was always a saying in the past, but I’m hearing of very poor locations further southwards when it comes to Council Housing Stock… The UK seems like a Third World Country of late… The Government is to blame… Wasteful spending on everything to line their pockets and nought for those who they are dutifully obliged to serve… The peoples of their country…

Just what are my hard earned taxes paying for?.. I wonder?..


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Whether the UK or USA or even another country, everyone has minor problems hidden behind the major ones.

Geez, that’s upsetting to know.

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It’s more of a rectangle

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Wow, older houses aren’t just cozy, but wonky as hell.

Waiting for someone to have a literal kitchen circle in their home. LOL!

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This house was built 2 years ago :joy: We don’t have the triangle because it isn’t practical when you have multiple people in the same area

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Ah, I understand now.

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