~ ***** a fox chat ***** ~ [Now: Put your character through horrible stuff enough?]

Because you were moving to Ingram?

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Things change. Like maybe you learn new things or look at something from a different angle. Maybe you were even wrong? I’ve taken down some of my 5-year-old writing advice articles on my blog. Back then, I thought I knew what I was talking about. Now I look at it and see that I was so wrong back then.

Slightly off topic: I think people forget that people can change :sweat_smile:

That is so true. We become numb to danger when it doesn’t come to us. Not to say we always have to live in fear though. We should make educated decisions, I suppose.


yiea \(゚ ー゚\)

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Best guesses can still get you killed, but its good to strive.


People always forget that there’s many different ways of doing things :joy:

I don’t like those “the best / worst ways” things when it comes to writing. Writing is super subjective. Unless it’s stuff like structure, grammar and punctuation (to a point), you can basically do it however you want.

Alarm clock thing, I wouldn’t be shocked if someone had a “best way to wake up” thing :joy:


Oh my gosh, I wouldn’t be surprised either :rofl:

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Topic: Do you have a writing process?

I used to think, “No! I’m a pantser! I just write and then I just edit. No process!”

But I think I do have one.

  1. Contemplate an idea for some time
  2. When the idea feels ready to bake, go to Pinterest and collect inspiration phase 1
  3. Begin with an action and write
  4. Write and then collect inspiration phase 2 on days I don’t wanna write
  5. Write
  6. Do 5 again
  7. Do 6 again
  8. and so on until I finish the darn book
  9. Put it away and work on something else
  10. Come back to it some time later and start editing phase 1 which is sorting out the plot
  11. Phase 2 editing, adding in details and extra scenes
  12. Phase 3 refining sentences and their flow
  13. Phase 4 is Phase 3
  14. Phase 5 is Phase 4
  15. Idk how many times I’ll need to edit something, but it’s been about 7 on average
  16. Repeat entire process from 1 to 15 for the next novel

This is kind of what it seems to be like every time without fail.


At the moment mine looks something like this:

  1. Get an idea, usually involving a message or theme
  2. Choose best setting and time period for exploring that message
  3. Create ill-suited characters who are therefore struggling and conflicted
  4. Make a timeline of events that explain the history and backstory
  5. Turn the timeline into an outline
  6. Get stuck somewhere in the middle; decide to pants it
  7. Start writing book until losing the thread somewhere in the middle
  8. Stop and reread what I’ve got before attempting to outline again
  9. Write the rest of the book, editing as I go

Man oh man, it would be so much nicer and easier to be able to outline completely before ever beginning! I’d love to at least have a couple sentences for what needs to happen in each chapter before starting, but it never seems to work out that way. I guess I use the headlight method…?

Anyway, that’s where I am now–at #8 in the re-outlining stage. (♯^.^ღ)

Your method seems so much saner! I don’t have a Pinterest, but I do save images, face claims and whatnot to my computer for inspiration. (*^-‘) 乃


lol XD

So true though. No one seems to have a grip on their own life XD

So, if you’re here, outlining again, do you refer back to what you already have or start from scratch?

The editing is a beast, however XD

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Yup, I refer to what I already have and just tweak it. I’m rereading it now, and what I’ve written so far I really like! But it definitely needs tightening up, and I’m thinking maybe I need to consolidate certain characters and change others so it’ll make more sense.

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  1. open word document
  2. write random stuff
  3. repeat as necessary
  4. oops I should probably plot this
  5. write
  6. edit

Oh I’m baaaad :rofl:. I make an outline and then thoroughly ignore it :sparkles:


Daima keeps dropping bombs upon bombs.


This step XD

How far into a story do you realize this?

Also, would you consider yourself a pantser or something else?

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Well, maybe the outlining for you is like the stretching before the marathon? You just stretch those creative brain muscles a bit but you’re not going to continue it during running, right? You just run.

My tired brain is liking this metaphor too much XD

Brain: oh this is good
Me: but is it?

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I’m not sure if this post is to be here, or the “what’s on your mind” thread :stuck_out_tongue: Either way, it’s welcomed :grin:

So, you got any writing process or not really?


I’m an artist primarily, so if I don’t have a character design already drawn out, I won’t be able to write the book.


At the moment it’s this:

  • Note ideas down
  • “Morning pages”
  • Think through the ideas
  • Descriptive writing (setting)
  • Scene writing (characters + plot)
  • Corrections
  • Research
  • Corrections
  • Read other books/ comp titles
  • Repeat

I’m working on both the novel and the world-book, and this “process” generally applies to both.

A large part of my writing deals with lived experience and observations of people/ world around me. So I don’t really get inspired when I’m locked away in a room writing all time.

But more than anything I care about language. That’s why I’m kinda stuck in a loop writing and rewriting the novel till I land on a style my own that I’m happy with.


My husband was a lot like that as a kid.

  • Write
  • Write until I get bored
  • Write some more
  • Zero draft finished.
  • Zero draft dumped until I finish something else.
  • Editing
  • Hating editing
  • Edit it anyway.
  • Rewrites until I’m happy