Besides just writing the story, what is the hardest stage of writing in your own opinion?

Well, tell me, I really want to know.

Also, I shall return with my answer/comment shortly.

I’m back and here is my answer.

My Turn:

1.Descriptions along with showing and telling within the story.
2.Revealing who the characters are through dialogue and narrative(based on their personalities, mannerisms, actions, and etc)
3.Editing in general which is something most writers will say. But when it comes to editing/revising/possibly rewriting the entire story. It’s not even the whole “I don’t know how to tackle this” type thing, it is more like “I am super lazy and want to move on.”
4.Worldbuilding is a mixture of hard and easy, because I tend to get creative or rather too creative and that gets me lost sometimes that I can’t seem to find my way or will to start the freaking chapters.

That is al I have for now at least.

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The plotholes.

I think I can easily go from one situation to another and find a way to get them there. But I always need to go back to editing because something is ‘missing’ I’d say? If that makes sense :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, I don’t think I am great at plothole either for some reason, I don’t think I do my part in executing the story well enough.

It is mostly my fault in that aspect.

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I don’t think it’s necessarily a ‘fault’. Sometimes it’s just hard to find the right way to fix a plothole. Especially in complex stories. There can be so many details you need to think off making it easy to forget some.

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Ah, alrighty then. That makes sense.

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Carefully weaving in future plots without making it in your face. Just little subtle scenes or statements that i hope will make people go OH MY GOD :joy: Aside from that, actually figuring out what’s going on in the story can be pretty hard because even I have no idea in the beginning



In games and movies and TV Shows people often cite pacing as an issue. It’s hard to gauge when a story drags because you have so many cool ideas you want to cram in and where the story picks up a bit too fast because you’re too excited to get to the action/interesting scenes. And even then the action/interesting scenes can drag because you put too much focus on it but we usually don’t know that because we think every little thing is important for the reader to know.


Yeah, another difficult thing for most people to do, me included.


It’s not actually a stage, per SE: it’s how distracting reality is being.



For me, writing is the easy part. Revising and trying to figure out what to add, delete, or change is the hard part. xD