BxB/MxM/BL Stories

I haven’t read the comic novel myself. But those sorts of themes are common. Because they tend to sell toward the female audience. Unfortunately, I struggle a lot to find proper representation anywhere. I only hear about things here and there like the tv show Elites. But I’m always a bit hesitant to watch Western tv shows because how most of the time they show mainly certain types of queer.

Which itself can become a problem. Since at some point most young people will believe all gay people behave the same way when they don’t.


:100: And that’s unfair to the gay community too.


Exactly. Gays don’t fit in a box any less than straight people do. I feel that has gotten lost in translation in the last five-ten years.


I’m not on twitter—I heard about it from a friend, so I don’t know what’s going on there, but I wouldn’t be surprised. Twitter has a habit of doing that. From the perspective of someone who hasn’t dealt with the Twitter-Toxic side of things, I’d say that, as a show, it just felt really safe. The representation felt genuine, the couples were well-developed and worth rooting for, and the plot itself was really compelling. It also checks all three of your boxes with ease.


I don’t know why they do that, but it’s annoying and probably ruins good shows for people who want to watch them, especially if their art is spoilers and doesn’t be posted externally, or people aren’t warned. When people assume that people have watched something too, it’s kinda annoying isn’t it? Some people don’t have time to.

Oh yes, that sounds good, like something I am looking for.

:o Okay, now I am interested 100%. Just need to wait a bit. Yeah, I have to wait. Sky TV has Young Rock but not this? :roll_eyes: Young Rock has been there for months. I want to watch it in good quality and not pirated–excuse the pun.


Exactly, and a lot of people also dont have access to some of the streaming services this stuff is on. Again, I don’t mess with twitter, but I don’t think I wanna know what rabid fans have done with the show.

I think the cast is all 30+ (main characters are like in their 40s, too); there are several gay men and they’re all different, so some fit the stereotype—not in a way that feels forced, just, that’s who they are—and some sidestep it completely; and the main couple isn’t oversexualized in the show. That’s all the fandom.


Yes, same. Fans sometimes say TMI on the show.

That sounds good. Honestly, I think I will end up liking this show. Thank you for the rec once again.


No problem, and I hope you do like it!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


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