〚 C O L O S S E U M 〛- A Writing Prompt Battle Game

@starches @Moon.dreamgirl
awesome! thanks for the responses guys! :sparkles:


Yes she is!

His ghost is essentially him, so yes, it does.

That’s correct. His actual body is unable to move.

Yes. It can slice you in two.

Yes, String-eye is stronger than the average person. I wouldn’t say someone small and agile could overpower him, because with the strings, he’s fairly agile himself.

You can destroy his house, but the more important question would be how? And how would destroying his house benefit? :thinking: He could just escape in that time, no?

If it was easily breakable, yes. But Lorelei wouldn’t be able to anyway.


No, not really. Maybe a passing comment, if anything. But no one really cares.

Yes it is. Business is booming-

More of a tugging force and a loss of control, both mentally and physically.

Yes. It’s esentially a race against the clock.

I can’t give you anything specific, but the casino is fairly large. You can look at the location images to get rough idea of the space, but the building isn’t small by any means.


Probably Trarii or Pilus Prior, depending on their job (guard, janitor, bartender etc.)

Silas could be going outside for a smoke or to a more private area of the casino, but there are always 3-4 people with him, one of which would be a guard. Bearing in mind, Silas will always retreat to a more popular area once engaged.



Hi, I am so sorry about this but I’m probably going to have to put them in tomorrow. Something big just happened and I’m processing and don’t think I can finish one of them’s. I’ll try to get Lore’s in tonight and Rai’s tomorrow?


Here is the new version of my response

A Stringy Situation

I find String-Eye’s house in the middle of the woods. The house looked quite simple from the outside. I cautiously approach the mysterious house wondering if he was even that much of a threat. I slowly creak open the door. String-eye’s house was quite large. I scan the house, but in one corner, I see a pair of red eyes staring in my direction. “Found ya!” I charge toward the glowing eyes and I impale the darkness. “Well that was easy” I say. When I least expected it a knife comes flying at me, and it tears into my shoulder. I run to the nearest crate and hide behind it, while String-Eye stays back and sends a clone at me. “Ugh it was one of his dirty little clones.” I mutter. The clone he just sent spots me and cuts my ankle. I start bleeding out. I grab my trident, ramming it into his chest.
His clone falls to the ground and fades to dust. I get away from the box and crawl to the dinner table. I spot String-Eye and I fire an arrow toward him. He shoots a tiny string and it cuts my hand. I managed to freeze him so I sprint to a counter close by. He scans the area and slowly grabs one of his pocket knives. He catches me trying to fire another arrow so he charges toward me. I use my Ice Shield and block a few of his swings. My shield shatters, and I roll away summoning my Ice Spears. They fly toward Stringeye, but he dodges two of them. The rest hit him while the others shatter.
One is stuck in his knee, and the other two just made cuts. I duck his slices and roll under him and cut one of his feet off. Stringeye sweeps
me onto the ground as he falls.
He keeps me on the ground. He slowly crawls upstairs dragging me with him. I act unconscious as he pulls me upstairs. He stays on guard just in case I wake up. I leap up onto my feet and spin around and axe kick him to the ground. He falls to the ground and he falls unconscious. He slowly fades to dust as I walk over to the other side of the room. “Wait that was a clone…” Surprisingly a knife comes soaring towards me. It gets stuck in my forearm. I pull the knife out of my arm. “Hm this will be quite useful” I throw the knife at String-Eye I charge straight at him. I manage to knock his knife right out of his hand. He rolls over to the bed and snatches a knife and runs to me. I summon my Ice Spears and fire them at String-Eye
I drop my trident “Let’s make this fair for ya bud.” I pull out my Ice Dagger and we clash. String-Eye manages to cut my hand off. I drop my dagger and grab my trident. “Ya know maybe that wasn’t the greatest idea to give you this chance. Welp… Crumble Beneath The Waves!” I form my Ice Arena and manage to cut off an arm and I leap into the air slamming my Freezing Trident down into his chest to the ground. It keeps him down while I knock him out with a few fists to the face a few times in the head. I put my trident back and sit down on the master bed. “Man that was hard but. I mean I will one day rule the great seas so I gotta start with some sort of challenge.” A few minutes later I pull String-Eye over to the window and smash it. I leap out of the smashed window and leap out with him.
I use my Ice Skate to get away from String-Eye’s gigantic house into the huge forest. I start to get lost but I find myself next to a path that leads me to the nearest city. I follow the path and make it to the place. I rent a hotel and decide to stay there for the night. I think to myself “I really hope I get something for that nightmare of a fight.” I head into my room and put my trident next to the giant bed and I fall asleep immediately.


…I know this feeling all too well.

i swear this isn't late

It didn’t feel like she was walking through the estate of a member of the Crown. Sure, the man’s status showed in every gold gilt chandelier, every intricately carved whorl of the stairs, even in the thick paint that laid comfortably on the manor’s white walls. Royals had a tendency of showing every part of their wealth possible.

But the all encompassing silence tore down all majesty he’d built. Instead of being in awe, Genesis was more on edge.

It felt like she was walking through a trap. A time trap. Everything was frozen, as though the inhabitants of the manor had all but disappeared. As she passed by a tiny gilded table, she could see her reflection in the remnants of the tea that had grown cold in its cup, sitting atop a delicate pink saucer with edges of gold. Had he escaped already, along with his staff? Not much time had even passed by between him being figured out, and the order sent out to capture him alive. Did he see it coming? Probably from a mile away, considering he didn’t seem like he’d left in any hurry. Genesis should know; she’d already gone through his room, searching for trapdoors and hidden passageways.

She didn’t find any of those. However, what she did find was a magnificent white bird that was more than happy to perch on her arm, then shoulder. Now it sat on her head, giving a content coo when she reached up to stroke its single red feather.

As she stepped outside the estate and into the open garden, Genesis’s eyes narrowed. The bird squawked once, flapping its wings, talons tangling in her hair, but she ignored all that. She ignored the marvel that the garden was, instead stepping forward to the pond right behind the mansion.

Jun Hinode. The man hadn’t escaped.

What a fool.

The bird squawked again, seeing its master touch down. It flapped its huge white wings and hit Genesis in the side of the head; the Prince winced, raising a hand to help it out of the mess it created in her own hair. All the while she was silently listening to Jun’s little chat, finally freeing the bird as he extended his invitation.

Crap. So he already sent over the documents? There’s no way I’d be able to track them down at this point without Hinode fleeing… if he’s telling the truth, that is. The back-up should be able to intercept them.

Guess we have to settle for the next best thing.

The bird settled on his shoulder, Genesis following after the Prince’s beckoning hand. He was right; the rays of the setting sun were beautiful, especially above the water and painting its surface a lovely crimson red. Hinode kept a leisurely pace, waiting for Genesis to catch up to just short of holding his hand before he spoke.

“So I see you’ve met Kestra.”

“I did. A lovely bird.” Genesis felt a stab of irritation from her connection with the coatl. Are you jealous, Stormbringer?

“She has you in high regard, you know.”

“She flatters me.” The remark drew a hoarse chuckle from the Prince, who stopped by the edge of the pond.

“You’re one of Apollo’s fighters, aren’t you? He certainly took his time sending you here.”

Genesis stopped as well, her head cocked to the side. “Why did you do it?”

“Why did I do what?”

“This. Double crossing. All of that nice stuff. Why are you here anyways? Wouldn’t it be better for you to have just run?”

His hands were behind his back, his reflection in the water rippling with setting wind. Kestra cawed once, leaping from his shoulder to land gracefully on the ground, waddling over to the Prince who squatted down to let the bird climb onto her arm, her talons gripping it gently.

The Prince finally spoke. “It’s for my people-”

“You betrayed your people when you betrayed us. Don’t give me any of that.”

“Did I betray them? By cooperating with the Empire, at least I secured their safety.”

“You secured nothing but their subjugation!”

Genesis leapt back, barely avoiding the strong gust of wind that grazed her shoulder, the prince’s bird squawking once in alarm as it fluttered to a tree, startled and searching for safety. Warmth began trickling down her arm.

Jun Hinode turned to face her, his eyes flashing. “What do you understand about my situation? The Empire’s the most powerful force on this planet. The Emperor is aiming for world domination, and he will get it. Don’t you know? It’s safer under his wings than to be alone.”

“But why betray us? Are we not trying for the restoration of your kingdom’s autonomy? You’re nothing but a puppet-”

The clash of wind against the blade of Stormbringer echoed around the trees, the broken air wheezing through their trunks. Genesis found herself staring down the Prince, recognizing what was in his eyes as hers as well.

“And what do you know about these politics? You’re just a commoner. A grunt for a Rebellion destined to fail.”

“You’re wrong.” Gen straightened, keeping a wary eye on Hinode as Stormbringer’s gaze roved around, searching the garden for things she could throw at him. The pesky shield had to be broken, one way or another. The more occupied the man could be, the faster she could finish this fight… if he wouldn’t come peacefully. The odds weren’t looking good for the latter.

“I’ve yet to introduce myself, have I? How rude of me.” She extended her free hand to Jun, standing three meters away. “Cyril Asturias. Ex-Challenger, soldier… and Crown Prince of the Kingdom of the North. A pleasure to meet you, if you would be so inclined to come back with me without a fight.”

“You’ve doomed your kingdom and everyone else within it. I cannot respect your wishes.”

“I found your statues, Kiiron. One’s at six o’clock, another’s at eight. If you could just look-”

The Prince’s onslaught was violent and horrible. It kept her busy, enough to force most of her attention to remain on him if she wanted to avoid getting diced into pieces. The first graze already knocked her back a few feet; she didn’t want to know where being hit head-on would leave her.

Keep it calm, Cy. You have surprise on your side. He doesn’t know what you can do.

You’re just a simple swordswoman.

He’d been keeping her on the defensive for a while now, the shield that separated them a taunt to her as the next clash sent vibrations up and down her arms. Come on, come at me. Try my flavour, quench your thirst for pain.

I’ll quench my thirst on your blood.

Genesis leapt to the nearest tree, catching glimpses of the statues Stormbringer told her about. Less than a second later they came crashing down on his head, the shield shattering them into sharp marble pieces that were flung in her direction, only to change direction abruptly, flying towards him instead. Through the shrapnel she could see Hinode’s eyes widen. Bet you didn’t know I could do that.

They shattered upon impact. The Prince must be actively using his shield to protect himself. Good. The busier he got, the better. Genesis lifted the shards again.

Then two sword marks slammed into the trunk of Gen’s tree, nearly taking her foot off. If not for the last second teleportation, the fallen tree would’ve crushed her legs underneath it. And while her magic was helping her heal, displaced bone shards would never heal properly.

“Do you only have that one trick?” The Prince asked, watching the Prince rise to her full height, sword held up firmly before her. “Making me dust my own ancestors’ visages… you have no boundaries at all, do you?”

“I don’t know, when you’re fighting for your life, do you not take on a fluid disposition?”

“Am I already pushing you?” The gleam in his eyes had taken on a new look, which Genesis did not like at all. “Then how about I push you just a bit farther?” He didn’t wait for an answer before disappearing, the Prince emitting a faint tsk.

Shit. He’s—

Genesis rolled to the side just as a blade of air sliced past her, whipping the grass around it. She laid there for a few seconds, watching the grass intently for another slice before getting up- only for a spurt of red to go up, masking her vision temporarily as pain took over her senses. She only faintly felt the grass beneath her knees.

“That’s the second slice, Kiiron. He’s got two swords.”

“I know that!”

Distantly, she could hear footsteps approaching her, Hinode’s eyes peering down at her.

“I suppose I should take my leave now,” he noted.

Aware of the blood gushing out of the wound in her midsection, Genesis started to push herself up, though just as quickly he shoved her right back down.

“You need to staunch the bleeding. If you don’t, you’ll die.”

“I’m not staunching anything.” Her time was limited. The rebel back-up, whatever remained of them, were probably a while away. If she didn’t move now, she’d fail her mission. With all of his powers, any further weakness on her part meant him slipping through her fingers. What to do, what to do…

“You may be stupid, but you should at least keep your life.” Her vision blurred in front of her, the Prince releasing a tired groan.

What to do, what to do…

“I have to go. Farewell, Cyril.”

Just as he turned to leave, Gen’s Ghost Hands exploded to life inside his shield, solidifying and dissipating at an unattainable rhythm. One Hand wrapped its fingers around his neck, cutting off his air supply as it started to squeeze; another two encapsulated his arms in their grasp.

As Genesis staggered to her feet she smiled wickedly at the Prince.

“You’re not going anywhere, Your Highness.”

extraneous stuff i couldn't fit in bc it'll disrupt the prose

**For further clarification: she sank the hands into the ground. Yes, they are still connected to her back. However, as they were not solid at all, they didn’t create any raised bumps, so Genesis solidified them inside Hinode’s shield, where the magic isn’t protecting him. She’s also activated Empowered Teleport to just teleport back a millimeter but getting all the maximum benefits, so she’d be able to get that 50% boost for the solidification of those hands.

also thanks to the lovely weapon now wrapped around my wrist, i may have to skip the next round :woozy_face: i’ll let y’all know what i decide bc it’s not looking good considering every single movement kills my entire forearm


@kabanerry after a lot of considerations, I think I want to rework Hound’s abilities (and his persona because he’s too annoying lol) and re-enter him, so I think I won’t be submitting his response against string-eye, is that okay?

And don’t worry, I’m working on Abel’s response rn


Yep, finally done

Be wary of chad gambler

Abel gulped as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the huge building where his target, Silas is present at the moment. His blue eyes couldn’t stop staring at the huge building with a tense yet amazed expression.

“Shit, this guy sure is rich as hell,” he said, slipping both of his hands inside his pocket, “But that won’t stop me though. To hell with the other peoples, even if they’re former criminals, they still do bad things for Silas’ stack of money,” he tries to walk as calm as possible while his heart races.

He was surprised with the inside of the casino, plenty of people made their way back and forth, later on, he realized that some fierce-looking people are looking at him since he happens to bring his sheathed sword on his back.

“Shit, I’ve been here for only ten seconds and those people are already sus of me,” to prevent more people from getting suspicious of him, he quickly walks to a less crowded area and found an empty trash can.

“I don’t want to do this, but I have no choice,” he opened the empty trash can and put his sword inside with a disgusted face, “Now my sword will smell like shit,” he sighed as he walks towards a gambling table.

Without much to think, he sits on a chair beside a red-dressed woman who appears to be seated just before him, the next thing he knew, the woman smiled at him, as she is trying to steal his sight from the other objects in the area.

“Oh, my, haven’t seen your face here. Are you a newcomer?” she asked as she sips her cocktail glass in her hand, “Uhh… pretty much,” he replied shortly.

“You seem to be a little bit young for this place,” she chuckled with her fingers covering her mouth as if she was trying to show off her shiny red nail polish, “But it doesn’t matter, since this place doesn’t restrict underages, especially for a cute boy like you,” she added.

“Tell me, are you here to play some fun games? Or are you here to have fun with some elegant woman like myself?” she lets out a small chuckle, “Well, actually I’m here to…” just before he could finish his sentence, a white-coated man with slick hair appeared and walks towards both Abel and the woman with a grin on his face.

“Well, what do we have here? A new face that I never saw before?” the man said with confidence, he smiled at the red-dressed woman before turning his face towards Abel.

“You must’ve known who am I, but I’m gonna introduce myself anyway. My name is Silas, and welcome to Silas’ Slots, Abel Firefly,” the man said as he gazes into Abel’s eyes.

“I feel honored with your welcome, Mr. Silas,” Abel replied as he crosses his arms, “Ohoho, just call me Silas, because it doesn’t matter anyway, right?” Silas glares at Abel even more as if he already knew Abel’s purpose for coming to his building, yet the man seems to be underestimating the boy from Sir Allard’s platoon who already went on a bunch of dangerous missions and decided to play along.

“Well, you’re not wrong, Silas,” Abel answered as calmly as possible, Silas then snapped his fingers, a croupier walking over and positioning themselves at the head of the table.

"Bill, give 'em both ♅2,500 in chips,” the man ordered, a nearby server approaches the table where the three of them were sitting after Silas snapped his fingers again. "And get this one something to drink. All on the house."

As Silas announced it, the people nearby got their attention on the table, some people got noisy when they knew that Silas was treating both Abel and the woman on the table.

“Well, since we’re on a blackjack table, how about we play a game?” Silas offered as the croupier, Bill shuffles the cards with the waiter approaching while bringing both Abel and the woman a glass of wine.

“Have you played blackjack before, Abel?” Silas asked, “Well, duh! I wouldn’t come to this place if I don’t know how to play it,” Abel replied casually, Silas laughed with confidence.

Though, I only play it with Evander.

“Good! Then I’ll be leaving both of you to my trusty guy, Bill,” he signaled Bill as he was about to take his leave.

“Wait, you’re not playing?” Abel bluntly asked, Silas laughed again, “I’m too tough as your opponent right now, but if you can beat her, I’ll give it some thoughts,” Silas walked away as he waved to both Abel and the woman.

And there goes the quickest chance of Abel to strike down Silas when he has the chance. The boy could only sigh as he took a sip of wine that the waiter brought.

“Your bets?” Bill asked right before he gave both Abel and the woman the cards, “500,” Abel stated, “Just as he said,” the woman followed, Bill then took each ♅500 from Abel and the woman and gave them the cards.

“By the way, I haven’t introduced myself, I believe? I’m Helen, nice to meet you, Abel,” the woman, Helen smiled at the boy, “Well, nice to meet you too, Helen,” Abel replied.

“Well, I’m still a newbie when it comes to blackjack, so please go easy on me,” Abel said with his eyes peeking on his hands, “Oh, my, is that so? Well, you’re actually cute, so if you’re willing to go on a date with me, I suppose I’ll go easy on you,” Helen flirted as she glanced at Abel with her eyes.

“Too bad that I have a girlfriend, Helen,” Abel refused Helen’s invitation on dating her, “Well then, I suppose that I won’t be easy on you,” Helen chuckled, the two of them then started their game.

(Skipping the game because idk how to play blackjack lmao)

“I win,” Abel said as he shows a ten and ace card on his hands, he then turned his face against Bill as he handed over ♅1.000 to the blonde-haired boy.

“I’ve beaten Helen, so do you mind if you take me to Silas’ place?” Abel stood from his chair, Bill sighed, knowing that he had no choice and takes Abel to the place where Silas is right now.

Bill took Abel to a place that says ‘Smoking Area’, several fierce-looking men got their eyes on Abel, glancing at him with an underestimating look, and there’s Silas, gazing the scenery of the city from behind the window with a guard standing right next to him.

“Mr. Silas, the newcomer wants to talk with you,” Bill bowed at Silas as the man turned his back, he then stepped backwards with a suspicious look towards Abel.

“So, I believe that you beated Helen?” Silas assumed as he sips his cigarrette, “Well, sort of,” Abel replied, Silas then snapped his finger, signaling Bill to offer Abel a stick of cigar.

“Well then, shall we walk to the table again and play some more of blackjack?” the man stood as he walks closer towards Abel, “How about,” Abel lighted the cigar Bill gave him with the flames that crawls from his hands.


Abel immediately lunges towards Silas with the burning cigar on his hand, aiming for the eye, Abel quickly plunges the tip of the cigar towards Silas, but the man quickly grabs one of the smoking men inside and let his eye being stabbed by Abel’s cigar.

The man screamed, Abel took his burning cigar off from the man who shielded Silas, just before Abel could strike down Silas again, a gunshot of bullet passes by Abel’s face as he quickly dodges the bullet, he saw Bill holding a gun with its muzzle smoking.

“I knew that you’re suspicious from the start,” Bill stated as Silas and his guard runs away from the smoking area, leaving Bill and Abel in a fight.

“So? Are you gonna press the emergency meeting button just like in that outer space-themed werewolf game?” Abel taunted with his burning cigar still on his hand, “Oh, the guard before will do that, because the crewmates can kill the impostor without voting him out!” Bill fired more bullets from his gun towards the running Abel.

Abel leaped towards Bill and plunges his burning cigar to the croupier’s hand, burning down his arm that made him forced to drop his gun, Abel then kicked him and took the gun on the floor.

“Too bad that this impostor is tougher than you think,” Abel shot Bill on the head, the croupier collapsed to the ground with a hole in his head, blood starts to flow from his head as Abel runs to the place where he played blackjack before.

Just after when Abel arrived at the place where he put his sword in a huge trashcan, two security staff ran towards Abel and swings their baton towards him. Abel quickly gave a low-kick on the guards as he dodges the baton aiming for his head and stumbled the guards to the ground, while being given the opportunity, Abel quickly shot both guards on the head.

“Shit! I forgot to snatch the mags from Bill’s suit!” Abel threw away his gun and runs towards the trashcan that he put his sword inside before.

“Alright, it’s showtime!”

The boy spotted Silas among the evacuating guests, just before he managed to pinpoint Silas, the man had Helen held under his control with several bartenders and guards surrounding the battlefield and the guards behind them.

“Well, I’m surprised that you managed to kill Bill. Boy, I shouldn’t have underestimated Allard’s anchovies,” Silas let out a laugh, he than pulled a chair near him and sat onto it.

“Listen, when I said ‘if you can beat her’, I didn’t specifically said beating her in a blackjack,” Silas announced as the controlled Helen prepares her fighting stance against Abel, “Let’s begin the second round, shall we, Helen?” Silas snaps his fingers, signaling Helen and his other staffs to engage Abel in a fight.

Abel quickly runs towards the nearest staff and stabs their heart, he then stepped to the left to dodge the broken bottle that the staff behind was swinging and stabbed them again.

Without him realizing, a guard managed to hit their baton on Abel’s back, the boy staggered a little, but then he managed to parry the swing that the guard was going to follow up, but with a little push from Silas, the guard quickly leap towards Abel and swings their baton again.

“Too slow!” Abel clashed his sword with the baton and stepped to the left, he then striked the guard on the chest as more staff members approaches him.

“Shit! They’re bringing broken bottles!” Abel quickly stepped backwards and slams his sword on the staff members and blew them away. Abel then runs towards the bar and broke several bottles of wine and took a few large pieces, he then leaped from the bar and threw the glass pieces on the throats of the two guards that were approaching him.

“Well, well, well,” Silas clapped his hands as he crosses his right leg on the left leg, “It seems that you’re capable enough to fight my raw-powered armed goons,” Silas snapped his fingers, commanding one of his controlled guests to bring an emergency fire axe and gave it to the controlled Helen.

“Let’s step up the bet a little higher, shall we?” by the command from Silas, Helen quickly runs towards Abel and swings her axe towards him.

“Shit! She’s fast!” Abel took a step backwards and dodged Helen’s axe, “What do you think? I gave dear Helen an extra force compared with the other guests behind you,” Silas said as three controlled guests swung a broken bottle towards Abel.

“Oh, fuck!” Abel quickly stepped to the opposite side where Helen was there, preparing to launch a flanking attack by swinging her axe towards the boy, but then Abel quickly shot Helen with a fireball casted from his hand and staggered her, while having the chance, Abel spins to the right towards Helen’s back and sprayed another burst of flame from his sword, blowing up Helen and the three controlled guests away and burning them.

Just after he sprayed his flames towards the controlled guests, he spotted two controlled guards were run-and-gunning him with a shotgun, luckly the short range of the shotguns only hit his arm a little and left a scratch on it, Abel then quickly runs towards a gambling table and slid under it, he then broke two legs on the front and shields behind it as the shotgun slugs pierced through the table.

Abel shot down both controlled guards with fireballs from both of his hands at once, as the guards suffers from the fire damage, Abel quickly slashed both guards on their chests, but little that he know that Helen’s axe was just behind the two controlled guard’s back and pinned Abel as he blocks the axe with his sword.

“Shit! That crook really gave Helen an extra push compared to those shotgun-wielding guards,” he mumbled after feeling the force that Helen gave to her axe, he then stepped backwards, but then he stumbled on the guard’s corpse as the controlled Helen managed to make a quick recovery and swings her axe towards Abel’s face, the boy managed to dodge the fierceful attack, although he couldn’t dodge the tip of the axe that left a long thing scratch on his cheeks.

“Did you think that those guards were actually a thing to destroy you? Think again, boy!” Silas laughed, he calculated that Abel would be able to kill the two controlled guards, so he made them as a trap to hinder Abel’s footsteps and let the full-forced Helen to give a finishing blow.

I don’t want to do this, but I have no choice.

Abel lunges again towards Helen who raises her axe on the air as two more controlled guests jumped towards Abel and holds his body tightly to prevent him from evading Helen’s full-force attack, but unlike before, this time Abel aimed at Helen’s arms and sliced them, separating the limbs from the red-dressed woman’s arms with a small burn at the sliced hands, he then shifted to the left, leaving the falling axe to chop down the controlled guest on the left and stabs Helen on the chest, unable to move, Helen slowly fall to the ground as Abel thrusted his sword to the other controlled guest who was holding him.

Abel wiped his forehead as Silas stood from his chair, giving an applause to the boy who beat the guest whom Silas gave the most power to.

“Wow! What a show! You really gave her no mercy by cutting her hands and chest! I’d never know that Allard has raised a beast!” Silas shouted, “Well then, as promised, you’ve beaten Helen, so I’ll play with you,” Silas took off his white coat and put on a pair of brass knuckles on his hands as the remaining four controlled guests in the room walked in front of him.

“That’s not a beast that Helen fought,” Abel put his sword on the ground and closed his eyes, he began his Malice Evolution as yellow fox furs starts growing on his entire body, followed by the growth of a pair of fox ears on his head, fox claws on both his arms and legs, and a fox tail on his back, the boy’s body grew larger than Silas’.

" Now this is a beast, " Abel said in a deep malicious voice, Silas let out a loud laugh after seeing Abel’s fox form.

“Damn son! There really is a beast in the Allard Platoon! I guess only using my crowds won’t be enough beat the shit out of this demonic being at all!” Silas shouted with excitement.

“Come here! Let’s find out if my fists are strong enough for a huge beast like yourself!” Silas taunted as he commanded two of his guests to persuade Abel that shot out a giant fireball towards both of the guests and exploded, through the smokes, Abel clashed his claws with Silas’ hard brass knuckles, both of them staggered and bounced backwards due to the force.

“Holy shit! This guy is insane!” Silas prepares his stance as he locks on Abel, with the remaining two controlled guests, Silas himself dashes forward on the back of his controlled guests as Abel lunges towards them with his claws and jaw prepared, deciding who would win the final bet.


Abel and Evander are poker buddies, confirmed :sunglasses:

More like a dance of acid. Estelle Santori vs. Jun Hinode

Estelle narrows her eyes at the hovering Prince, not particularly interested in the prospect of a walk. A walk… where? Into a trap? Estelle’s mission had already been compromised with the inaccessibility of the documents, and the battle had yet to even begin.

“I think I’d rather enjoy the sunset on my own time, thanks.” Estelle lifts her free hand to generate three undulating venom whips, pulsing out into the air from her palm. She swipes them rapidly at Jun. But the man is well-versed in the art of flight; he levitates far above the strikes, which don’t do much more than disturb the surface of the pool.

Jun sighs from his position meters in the air. “Unfortunate. Very well.” Estelle keeps careful eyes trained on Jun as he flies above her head and then back behind her toward his estate. He settles gracefully onto the edge of the roof, sets down his diary, then floats some meters forward.

“In truth, I’m not much of a fan of walking, anyway.” Jun’s quip is punctuated with a swift arm movement that Estelle hadn’t entirely been expecting. An air strike darts invisibly toward the rebel on the ground, and it digs into her armor like a punch to the chest. She grunts and staggers backwards. As Estelle steadies her footing, she activates her Speed and Agility tattoos in the same moment. She knew she’d have difficulty seeing the Prince’s attacks after Viv had briefed her, but the indiscernible offenses were much more frightening in the heat of the moment.

They were also relentless. Keeping his distance, Jun Hinode sends air slash after air slash toward the redhead with the glowing body ink. Her magic fascinates him, and he appreciates getting to witness her agile dodges. It’s much like a dance. But Jun doesn’t let the show go on for very long. He activates a spherical shield of wispy air and descends rapidly, raising air blades to engage in close combat with his attacker.

Estelle’s eyes widen as the man inside of a ball of quickly-moving wind flies toward her. She raises her whips again to slash at him. But instead of slamming the sphere to the side, all of the whips’ momentum is deflected as they bounce back into the air from whence they had come. Jun’s shield persists, seemingly unaffected. Estelle bites out, “What the hell?”

The Prince’s flight is too rapid for Estelle to do much more than try to backpedal away. But Jun and his air bubble gain on her, and with a practiced swipe of one arm, he strikes an air blade down toward her.

Estelle curses and attempts to flip to safety with a one-handed back-handspring. But not even her enhanced Agility could save her from the strike; the blade slashes down the backside of her right calf, and Estelle cries out in agony as her handspring becomes a roll and finally a crouch that settles just before the edge of the pool. Shit. At least now she knows better. Watch for the body movements. Not the attacks.

With more distance now between them, Estelle sees Jun return to his air slash strategy. But she’s ready for them now. Estelle uses her whips to build up her latticework shield, rising to her feet and digging her heels into the ground. She takes no damage, but the onslaught of wind sends her sliding back slowly until she can tell she’s on the edge of the pool. She has to do something, and fast.

Estelle directs her staff toward Jun with the hand not holding up her shield and shoots a torrent of sickly-green acid toward his sphere. But Jun’s sphere also deflects this attack, and the acid comes right back at her. Estelle yelps, moving her latticework shield to defend herself. By the time the acid has all fallen away, her whips have been eroded. She disintegrates them, then has no choice but to turn on her heel and run for the hills.

Enhanced Speed and Agility work in tandem to make her zig-zagging sprint an effective form of defense. She can feel near-misses landing all around her. Air slashes disturb decorative pebbles and sink into regal flowerbeds. The rebel has no time to process the damage. Sprinting at top speed, she shoots her whips out toward the trunk of a Joshua tree—obviously imported—and loops them around it. When she restricts the whips, she lifts her heels into the air, and the momentum from her sprint sends her swinging around the tree in a wide arc so that she’s once again facing her opponent on the tree’s other side. Estelle wastes no time sending more corrosive acid for the air shield; even if the attack would be deflected, the rebel knows she has to chip away at the passive defense if she’s to have any hope.

As predicted, Jun flies nearer and directs the acid back toward Estelle. The redhead tucks, rolls away, unhooks her venom whips from the tree, and instead sends them swinging toward the Prince with all of her force. The lashes hit with devastating impact, but the shield persists. Though, Estelle does notice that it hadn’t inherently deflected her attack.

She doesn’t get time to dwell on the observation. Jun Hinode stops his flight suddenly, cracks one little smile, and then disappears completely.

“Shit,” Estelle breathes. She knows what this is. The mist form. Estelle rushes back for the Joshua tree and presses her back up against the truck. In front of her, she braces with her whips in their shield structure. There’s no way to outrun Jun’s mist, even with her unnatural Speed, and there’s no way to attack him back when he was completely intangible. And sure enough, two seconds later, all she can do is grin and bear it as he seems to fly right through her.

Estelle gasps breathlessly as the wall of wind, moving at over 100 miles per hour forces her harshly back up against the tree. Her shield is all she has to resist some of the intense, smacking force, and she has only her Resilience to thank for the fact that she manages to keep her feet even when her lungs feel like they’re collapsing. Jun had gotten off a dirty slash with an air blade as he whisked past, and Estelle would have cried out about the stinging gash just under her knee if she’d been able to breathe. Jun overshoots his stopping point because of his speed and returns to his human form fifteen meters behind her. This allows Estelle just two seconds’ worth of time to collect herself and turn around before he flies back over and strikes down hard with an air blade.

It’s enough. As Jun returns to her swiftly, she watches him poise his arm for a strike and anticipates it, lifting her staff to fend off the blade. Their weapons are locked in their battle of strength, shaking and tense. With him so close, Estelle generates three short venom whips inside of a second and lashes them harshly against the passive windshield. That, too, is enough, after all of the others and the acid. Jun’s wispy shield flickers, then breaks. Estelle grins, still fending off an air blade with her staff in one hand, but sending three venomous blows across the Prince’s exposed face in a sly, dirty hit.

The Prince wails, dissipating his air blade immediately and taking to the skies. Estelle follows him with a trained eye as he retreats. He stops, levitating some twenty meters above and away from her. Then, large, unnatural winds envelope his entire body, wisping around and all over him like some kind of magical wash. Healing winds. The acid burns on his face don’t even get a chance to settle in before Jun’s powers heal the discolored gashes away.

Estelle takes a brave step forward, staff poised and whips still slithering through the sky. “That the last of your fancy tricks?” she calls up to him tauntingly. Estelle knows that there’s blood running down her legs. She knows that her enhanced tankiness can only compete with a self-healer for so long.

Jun puts up another windshield. This one isn’t passive, though; Estelle doesn’t have to fear any rapid attacks, and Jun’s not interested in sending them just yet. He instead flashes her a patronizing smile.

“My dear, it’s not about what hand you draw in life. What matters is whether or not you know how to play it,” the Prince calls back. Estelle scowls at his pretentiousness, which she’s sure he thinks is deep insight. “Maybe you’ve studied up on my tricks, but now I know yours, as well.”

Estelle scoffs through a wicked grin. With steady concentration, she begins to activate one of her special tattoos that would allow for her to perform her Ink Injection, should the opportunity present itself. Grogginess, she chooses. Estelle would love to bring the flighty Prince back down to earth. Literally.

The redhead watches smugly as Jun’s eyes widen upon seeing her glowing staff.

“You think you know them,” she begins with a smirk. “But clearly, you don’t know all of them.”


Ah, yeah, due to some personal shit and a lack of motivation I am definitely not getting this done. Can’t even get up the will to open the doc lol Guess I’ll try for next time :upside_down_face:


Hey Kab can I have an extension until Monday? I’m almost done with the prompt, but my brother’s birthday is coming up so I can’t finish. Thanks!

Rai vs Silas: Casino Nightmares

Rai held the drink in her hand for a moment, taking in her surroundings and making sure to keep her mind clear. The casino was bustling with noise; slots and cheers of excitement or defeat, it was all too much at once. “Not going to play with us?” She called out to Silas, hoping that he would turn around and sit down with them. No such luck, unfortunately, as he waved it off with a large grin.

“Now now, I don’t play with guests. Don’t worry, Bill will give you plenty of fun.” With that, he walked off to entertain other groups, leaving Rai with the dealer and the strange woman in the red dress.

“I would advise you to look a bit more carefully into the casino.” Sir Allard said with a warning gaze, waiting as Rai got into the flexible but semi-more fashionable outfit for the newest mission. The stubborn challenger had refused to look into common casino games, which irritated him considering it was going to cause a problem.

“Relax, I’ll be all good.” She’d laughed, waving off the concern with a hand. “What’s the point if I’m just going to bust in there anyway?”

Emmett sighed, rubbing his forehead. He didn’t have time to argue with her anyway. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

Rai did not, in fact, know what she was doing.

While she originally planned on getting Silas by himself and then attacking, it was clear that wouldn’t work. All sorts of guards and people related to him hung around, as well as various civilians she would prefer to keep uninvolved. If she chose to attack right now, more likely than not one of them would pull out a gun and blast her head off. It would be over before the fight could even begin. And while she trusted her abilities in close range and could form a shield, there was no guarantee that Silas wouldn’t toss civilian after civilian into the electricity in an attempt to break it down. And normal people couldn’t handle that concentration; they’d be dead before their bodies hit the floor.

So, logically, she needed to bide a bit of time analyzing her surroundings to try and play around with what she could. Unfortunately, the game they were playing, Blackjack, was something she had zero familiarity with.

C’mon stupid, she thought desperately, plastering a smile across her face as Bill dealt out cards, think! You hang out with some older challengers, right? Have they ever mentioned anything about the rules of this game?

Nope. Nothing that she could remember at least.

The woman slid forward what seemed like fifty dollars in chips, and Rai had no idea what that was supposed to mean. She had plenty of money, that wasn’t a problem, but if she bet big and lost she couldn’t exactly pull out her stacks of challenger cash and hope they wouldn’t know something was up.

The other woman did something that the dealer called ‘cutting the cards’, which seemed to mean separating the stack. Okay, okay. That was fine. If she handled most of it everything would be fine.

The dealer tossed out the cards, almost instinctively, and Rai spotted Silas moving to the backroom, probably to go for a smoke or something. Opportunity, great. And it meant she didn’t have to play this stupid game.

“I have to go to the washroom,” She said smoothly, lowering her voice to make it seem deeper and more mature. Although, she doubted any of them cared about the fact that she looked well below the legal age to be in a casino such as this. The dealer nodded, gesturing for her to place her cards face down and to leave her chips, as to avoid any cheating. She did so, but kept her drink. It was the ticket to getting close to Silas anyways. The bastard that had betrayed all of the challenger’s hard work. Even though they were supposed to be the same rank, Rai knew he had purposefully been stopping himself from going up the ranks, which meant he was actually above her in skill. She needed to be very, very careful.

The young girl made her way towards the back room, pausing as Silas turned from behind. She rushed forward, slamming right into him tossing the alcohol into his eyes. But before she could unleash her electric attack, she was knocked back into the wall, sharp pain in her chest from a missed attack by his brass knuckles. Rai coughed, brushing aside her mouth in case of any blood.

“He has an ability called crowd control,” Emmett explained, tossing Rai a ball to try and get her to pay even a little bit of attention. “It allows him to quite literally control the crowds of people around him. Don’t be too worried about injuring civilians; most of them will probably be people with connections to him at his casino anyways. But bear in mind that you need to end the fight quickly, or else he’ll grab control of your mind too.”

The white-haired girl laughed, tossing it back at him and waiting for the toss back. “Relax Sir, I’ve got a strong mind. No way in hell that buffoon is grabbing control of me.”

A tugging in her mind that seemed to stem from right between her eyes semi-blurred her vision, before she forced herself to refocus. The mind-control powers. That was what it was. Silas snarled, snapping for his staff to come to his defense.

The guests around screamed as a gunshot went off, leaving Rai to dive behind a table. It was from a man-centered across the room. She sent out a high voltage of web lightning, the startled yelps from people fleeing the casino growing louder as the sniper jolted and dropped her gun. Quickly, she covered herself with a thin barrier, standing up to analyze where everything and everyone was. The obnoxious music was still playing loud, which made it even harder to focus, willing her arm to stay by her side instead of it trying to move to her throat. His power was dangerous, but her will wouldn’t wane until she’d properly exhausted herself.

A grunt slashed at the shield with a knife, bright eyes wide with fear as he moved almost jerkily. Probably just some random who’d come out to enjoy the casino. Rai brought it down, grabbing at his wrist and twisting it behind his back, knocking him into the table with a shout.

“Silas, you coward.” She yelled out as another poor civilian was tossed into the fray, jumping at her wildly as a few more high-ranking guards jumped to his defense. The man in question made no effort to respond, simply smirking and raising his head to infuriate her even more.

Rai sent out another wave, careful to scan for any other guns. Someone could be waiting for the perfect opportunity to get her from behind, and then she was a dead man. She jumped onto a chair swinging from a light fixture to kick a guard in the head and knock him into the rest of the horde. Unfortunately, they didn’t seem to be as mindlessly controlled, grabbing at her boots in a futile attempt to stop them before she could get near Silas.

She looked at the onslaught of people, some of their limbs twitching to try and get control back of their bodies. They stood in rows, rushing towards her in the large space that was the casino. The littered slot machines and the large device in the center made it hard for her to see Silas’s exact position, but she spotted the ruined white jacket that he had. That was her target. But she had to be careful; conserving her strength to lower exhaustion levels was of the utmost importance. So taking them out in groups with electricity would be far more efficient than trying to take them on one by one with her fists. It would leave less time for the tugging force to become more severe.

Rai sighed, cracking her knuckles, before rushing forward.

She grabbed a pitcher of water, smashing it into the face of the first group, before blasting electricity into them and allowing it to ricochet around. A dagger slid past her cheek from one of the staff, as she raised into the air to continue. Her calloused hands gripped firmly onto the middle pillar as she used her legs to kick the guard in the face, recognizing him as Bill.

Rai cursed under her breath as her arm let go without her permission, nearly sending the girl crashing to the floor. It disrupted the balance.

She was running out of time.

The lightning girl forced herself not to panic, grabbing a grunt larger than before from the side and shoving it towards the pile. She trapped them inside the barrier, crushing it smaller and smaller until they were all weasels inside a tiny cage. Now, she had five seconds of holding that, before they’d be back.

Rai shoved the dome to the back, blocking the main exit, and looked face to face with Silas, who seemed to be losing a tiny bit of confidence as he stepped back further.

“You,” She kicked the two guards aside, dodging his huge brass knuckles as he tried to punch her, “absolute traitor. I hope you like prison cells.” She spat, raising into the air to kick him in the back. As Silas landed on the floor, she grabbed a dagger to push the final blow, before freezing.

The tugging force had gotten much stronger, the dagger not seeming to want to go down the way she pleaded it to. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Slowly, the tugging seemed to cease. She drove the blunt end down on his wrist, pinning him to the floor, before taking the brass knuckles, and smacking him across the head with it. She repeated it twice, ignoring his pained screams before his head collapsed against the floor. Once more, for good measure, before she wrenched the knife out and exploded towards the window, dragging his body through the air.

Maybe it would’ve been a good idea to listen to Sir Allard.


I’m very sorry Kab, for getting this in so late. It’s completely okay if it doesn’t count because I didn’t ask for an extension properly and you gave plenty of time. I just wanted to get it in anyways.


@Zozucan @moonlightshadow412 @AlteruneSC @starches @GlitchandGlitz
Thanks for the responses! :sparkles:


Let me know when the next round starts how you’re feeling :hearts:

Yeah! Feel free to resubmit him if you want to rework the character. I can remove him from the waiting list?

It’s all good, relax :relaxed:

That’s fine…except it’s now Tuesday for me :thinking: Admittedly I got to this late, but can you still submit the response?


I more or less forgot this was a thing :flushed:

Anyways- Carmel has not written responses.


Yes of course! I got it!


Sure! I’ll be reworking him now


Hmmmm :thinking:
I may be able to join this again pretty soon :innocent: