Can someone tell me if this sounds familiar?

So, backstory. I used to write lots of memos to myself on tiny pieces of paper from junior high and all through college. Half the time I’d never return to them :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, while in the process of moving and cleaning up my room, I discovered a treasure trove of them. There’s one I don’t remember writing. It honestly sounds like I could have ripped it off from somewhere XD It’s really trying to be philosophical, I guess. I never write like this and that’s why I’m skeptical of myself. I’m also confused at what I’m trying to say. Is this going in circles? What is this?

Here you go. Make something out of this (and feel free to tear it down. I really don’t know if these are my words):

When one does not know whether to move forward or backward, they tend to not move at all. They may not see that there are other options left and right. There are options all around. All one needs to do is understand that they can veer off the path and still end up in the same destination.


Very interesting


Is that from a story or something?


It does sound sort of familiar. Couldn’t tell you why though… I mean I think I heard it or something like it when I was taking psychology but honestly it could of been in a book or a movie I watched during this time as well.


This really gives off watching a video about a psychological experiment and the person explaining why they’re doing the experiment.

Again, same thing. But, if you take the first sentence above and the last sentence and separate them from the other two and each other you definitely get versions of common sayings. Okay, maybe not common but I’ve definitely heard something along the lines of those two sentences.


Idk. I don’t think so :woman_shrugging: I don’t remember writing this at all.

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Right? I feel like I’ve heard it, too (and not from my own brain :stuck_out_tongue: ). As if it’s been poorly paraphrased or something. I never took psychology, but I’ve always been interested in it.

My guess is that, on a whim, I took some words here and there and created what I thought was a paraphrasing of something.


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Maybe I saw a saying and tried to explain it not very well :thinking:

I mean, I quite like how the whole paragraph is written but, you could have done that.

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Does it have a date on the paper?

Do you think it is going to plague your mind if you dwell on trying to figure out when you wrote it? Do you care a lot, a little, or not at all?

Just wondering.

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No date. Just words :stuck_out_tongue: I never used to put dates for things I wrote anyway thinking I would go back to it very soon (though I rarely do).

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No, but, if I didn’t write it and I wanted to post it somewhere, I should credit it, right? Otherwise I’ll be plagiarizing.


You could type it into a plagiarizer checker

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I just put it through a few different ones and it’s totally fine :stuck_out_tongue: