Coding 101

Hello, came back from experimenting and I have a few questions (5…with questions inside of them). Also, I’m pretty bad with terminology at the moment so I may make no sense.

  1. In the original code, I put 500px for width but someone using a mobile device said it looked cut off and I wondered if it was too large or I did something wrong. So, I trimmed it to 300px which fit perfectly, but that also made everything longer and it looked weird from my device. Is there a way to make images look the same across all devices?
  2. For this assignment, does order matter? For example, can height go before width? Or should the order be exactly like the example for consistency…
  3. What if I add more like border-radius and font-family (I think both have been done in assignments submitted above but just making sure)? If the answer is yes, I will try putting related elements together.
  4. I also tried putting spans inside of a span. There were 4 inside a larger one. The first 3 looked fine and evenly spaced, however, the 4th overlapped with the 3rd so I might remove it altogether but it is odd and I haven’t figured it out yet.
  5. How do I center the whole thing in a forums post (if possible)?

Thank you so much for teaching this class by the way. It’s fun :blue_heart:


That’s alright. That’s what this class is for.

That has to do with mobile responsiveness, which we will cover in much more detail later in this course. If you’re curious and want to look into it earlier, take a look at this post, which was the assignment for it when I last taught this course:

Aside from font-size being first, order does not matter.

You can add more properties if you want as long as you include all the things the example code had with different values.

Span sandwiches (as I call them) will be covered later.

margin: auto; works in some cases. There are more ways but we’ll be covering those later when we talk about multicolumn threads.

No problem! I hope my answers helped. :sparkles:


Hello. My name is Joy.


Oooh thank you! It did help and it’s ready to be submitted but more experimenting seems good. The “span sandwiches” stayed although its hilarious and centering is good. I think I’ll also read up on more things.


Each assignment will build things up slowly but you’re always welcome and encouraged to experiment along the way. I just take things slow with the course to try and not confuse people with finer details right away. It’s about building a foundation and then… slowly adding to it brick by brick.

Clicking on wondrous things link opens this tab, Lumi:


It’s part of the ARG. If you enter the word “August,” something interesting will pop up :eyes:


Encounter the defeats, but not be defeated. Strong in the belief to succeed. Encounter the pain, but do not be reduced. There’s a perspective you gain. Growth happens after a storm. Encounter the loss, but do not stop. These are but stepping blocks to sway. You from going on your way. Encounter the backlash, but do not clash. With the ones who’d do anything. To see the tears under your lash.

Pastebin :smile:


Thanks Chloe! :heart:





Huh, that’s odd.


Assignment 2 Reflection

Calling all students!

@flyingCouch @xinmure @lst-my-shp-sil @greekmyth @merinnie @Theora @deathinreverie @Forever_D_A @ValKayRee @dumplingbabe @hazelnuttys @panaceia @Beth-Pebble @JJJ000YYY @Nablai @keen

Sorry for the long wait this week. I’ve been a bit preoccupied elsewhere and I’ll try to grade future assignments much more quickly. That aside, though, let’s jump into talking about how you all did on assignment two. In case you forgot, assignment two was about learning how to use anchors.

Looking through the submissions this time, I should have been more clear about the proper syntax. I noticed a few submissions where clicking a link in someone’s assignment took you to… another person’s assignment. If that was the case for you, you’re welcome to message me for one on one tutoring to troubleshoot anchors more. I really want to help all of you learn coding in any way I can.

For this assignment, as long as your anchor linked to somewhere within your post, I gave you an S. If you went above and beyond by adding images and other non-text elements, you got an E. If, as mentioned above, your assignment linked to someone else’s assignment, you were assigned an N. Also, as a heads-up, if you ever submit your assignment before the deadline and realize that it’s not a direct reply, you can delete your post and then reply again to make sure your submission gets graded.

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t be afraid to reach out to me. If you want to discuss your grade, please reach out privately. I’ll be more than happy to clarify something for you, especially if it helps you reach a deeper understanding with the code. Anywho, hope you all have a good week!

Student Name Grade
flyx S
xin F (no submission received)
lux S
greeky S
mina E
theora E
xérès E
ashen N
val F (not a direct reply)
jade E
hazel E
g-ane E
beth F (no submission received)
joy E
nab N
keen S

heyo, i would like to be removed from the class list until further notice <3


You won’t be able to rejoin once you leave. Are you sure you wish to leave?


Preferred Name: Ink

Why do you want to learn coding? So I can get better at HTML - something I’ve sucked with for a really long time. Plus, I want my future threads to look cool.

Have you read the rules? Yep!

Can you commit at least one hour a week to this? Definitely

Is there anything in particular you wish to learn? Nothing in particular. Just here to be a sponge.

Anything else I should know? I hope I didn’t sign up too late… I would love to participate! And I’d definitely do my best to catch up.


Assignment 3 (linked here) is due August 31st 6pm PDT. I recommend you look over the previous two assignments (linked here) to get a grasp of what you missed. We haven’t gone over too much yet but if you find yourself struggling to catch up, feel free to reach out to me privately and I can talk through concepts with you. Anywho, welcome to the course. I’ll go ahead and add you to the student list.


:eyes: | oh wait are you a part of the badge hunters thingy-


What do you mean?


the link. it leads to that nohistory thingy and then it gives you a link for smth else. and i saw that in the badge hunters thread o.O


What a strange coincidence. I don’t know where that link came from. Perhaps it’s from another world?