Crazy laws and rules that only make sense in your story's world?!

I think the only real crazy law in my work in progress is ‘devil law’.

So, ordinarily, it’s illegal for superheroes to kill villains. Even if it was an accident, a hero can have their license taken and the pants sued right off their legs for causing a villain’s death. With one very prominent exception: the prophetic devil.

The first superhero left a prophesy that the world would one day be ravaged by a monster that consumes magic. Most countries fear this prophesy–although no one knows how exactly it’s going to go down–and therefore have laws excusing heroes to do whatever it takes to stop it. For all intents and purposes, the prophetic devil has no human rights, even if they manifest in the world in human form (spoilers: they do). As long as a hero can prove they fought the actual devil, they are excused in anything they decide to do to them. Murder, torture, theft, assault, blackmail, hate crimes, general harassment, etcetera–anything goes. Uh, sexual violation of Satan might be frowned upon, not because of any law, pity or concern for the devil, but because most people would be like ‘why would you want to?!’

This revocation of human rights also extends to anyone ‘corrupted’ by the devil, ie having received stolen magic from it. It’s believed (incorrectly so) that this corrupted magic will warp the person’s mind beyond saving, and that their murder would be a mercy killing (it would not: they remain fully cognizant, moral, able-bodied and capable of feeling fear and pain. ‘Corrupted’ magic is completely indistinguishable from inherited magic, and is even possible to acquire by accident).

Devil law was put in place to assure heroes could do whatever it took to stop, or at least mitigate, the ‘ravaging’. To make sure heroes wouldn’t feel forced to spare a monster in a human’s body and risk them escaping and coming back with an absolute vengeance for fear of legal consequences, losing their job and income, or being sentenced to life or at least decades in prison, just because the prophetic devil may have a human appearance and human genetics.

Of course, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and what devil law actually results in is a green light for confused or sadistic superheroes to hunt and beat and hate my goofy, well-meaning protagonist as he just tries to have fun with magic, make his parents proud, and protect his friends. It also results in a massive fight between people thinking ‘if he weren’t really evil deep down and just lying to corrupt everyone, we wouldn’t be endorsed by the law and the God-Hero to attack him, so it’s fine to try and kill this lad’ and people realizing ‘hey, um, this guy appears to have actual human feelings and is acting like more of a hero than most of us, and I’m starting to wonder if we might have been lied to’.

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Food is produced by Hothouses, which are basically farms with heaters, and by hunters… don’t ask how animals survive the cold


Ah, I see!


So, villains can’t die even when some of them probably deserve it?
That is a bit crazy!


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They can receive the death sentence from the court system after a trial, if their crimes were truly heinous, but superheroes can’t just decide to execute them themselves. The law is meant to prevent corrupted heroes from just being legally sanctioned to kill whoever they please and then claim ‘yeah but they were a dangerous villain, I had to, lmao, I swear’. It’s especially necessary because the magic system’s mechanics make a lot of people reckless. ‘Shell users’, for example, have powers that make them extremely survivable and sturdy–which spurs on both villains and heroes to kind of just beat enemy shell users with absolutely zero regard for mercy, because they’ll definitely live through it.

The devil is an exception to the no-killing law because most of the world is just like ‘Yeah, okay, the most powerful superhero we have ever seen clearly feared this thing. The longer we leave it alive, the more doomed the world is going to be, so let’s just not bother trying to give it rights or a fair trial. And anyone affected by its magic is just so screwed we might as well consider them a lost cause too. It’s for the greater good.’


Damn, that law must irk some people’s nerves!
I know it will irk mind a little. LOL!


Assassin’s series has teacher-student relationships, post-graduation that is more like being cop partners, and is a legal form of temporary marriage. It doesn’t require monogamy, and the younger partner isn’t legally a full assassin. It’s honestly a bizarre relationship that between it and job rules makes for some messed up situations, often leading to suicide, death on the job .


If you’re going by My Little Pony Rules, either the sun or the moon.

Even if you can survive on the sun or moon, do you want to?

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If there was a way to build space colonies on the moon, then I would live there.
Far as the sun, I think the answer is kinda obvious. Who would want to live on the sun?

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Nope :smiley:

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Do they float in space or something?

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This was only a law for a few years, but no goats were allowed in the kingdom and to possess one was a cardinal sin. This changed only because there was a great famine, so goats were brought back to provide food. Much to the behest of the king and several religious figures, who, after the famine had passed, tried to outlaw goats again but this was met with heavy disagreement from the common-folk–to the point that they literally almost started a rebellion over it. So, they left the goats.

A new law was put into place that absolutely no goats were allowed within sight of the royal palace, though.


Wow. That is a bit funny to me.

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As it is to everyone in that universe. The only people who know why is the king, some officials, and the queen, so everyone else is left to speculate as to what tf he’s doing, which makes it funnier because then they come up with a barrage of rumors that range from disreputable acts to something simple as the king was drinking goats milk that was also poisoned.


Nah, they find their own way to another world


Ah, that’s good I suppose. LOL!


Oh wow. LOL!

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If it has been seven days since the last burning of a witch, it is mandatory when out of doors to wear a breathing apparatus fitted with a charcoal filter over the nose and mouth. Eye protection recommended.


All that after burning a witch? How come?

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More like all that if another witch can’t be found to burn. Certain locations are affected by an airborne anomaly that seems to weaken if the air is saturated with a haze of witch smoke. Or that of any old corpse, though the righteousness of these executions might come under fire if the crown let that slip.
Well, that, or an epidemic of unsanctified executions might ensue.