Do any of your characters from different stories share similar traits?

When I make characters people collectively hate or say are hilarious I know I did something right :partying_face:.


I watched New Getter Robo with a certain pastry and we had more or less the same split reaction. Just make sure everyone is entertaining.


@DollyTH If you ever needed inspiration for an eagle splice man, Ryouma is perfect.

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I’ll go Google :ok_hand:t5::joy:.

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Ryouma Nagare is his full name

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Not when they aren’t the same character, but I have recycled characters from old stories that didn’t work out and put them in new stories before. For instance, I was using a character named Errol as an MC in a modern fantasy, but decided to scrap the idea. But then I found a place in my science fiction for Errol as a secondary character, so I made some changes to make him fit the setting and then reused him. I don’t consider him to be a different character in the sci-fi than he was in the fantasy story though. He’s the same, just in an alternate universe, if that makes sense. So, it’s not two similar characters, it’s one character in two different settings.

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