Experimental Works....

Yeah I mean it’s everywhere. Won the Booker Prize last year, which honestly it deserves.

It’s very close to my heart, cause 1) it’s gay! 2) it’s set in Colombo, where I used to live.

It’s ‘literary fiction’ but imo it’s a better fantasy than most fantasy genre books :see_no_evil: Deffo add it to your list


I will have to judge that for myself :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice :smiley:

It’s not as weird as Marlon Jones is it? :stuck_out_tongue: And it’s not a traditional hero’s journey with a boring protag?


Well it’s not a hero’s journey (or is everything a hero’s journey?) It’s a whodunnit murder mystery.

Colombo, 1990: Maali Almeida is dead, and he’s as confused about how and why as you are. A Sri Lankan whodunnit and a race against time, Seven Moons is full of ghosts, gags and a deep humanity.

Maali is a very complex character, and he’s got a dry-wit. It’s told in second-person from his perspective. There are a couple of ways to read it. Are you Maali? Or are you stuck with Maali in purgatory to accompany him on his journey?

Not the Marlon James drag :joy: I guess it’s a little disorienting like BLRW, but it’s not a straight comparison. It reads more like Salman Rushdie (South-Asian magic realism) and Kurt Vonnegut.

If you’re open and willing to try something experimental then go for it. It’s complex — or “advanced reading”, whatever that means. Don’t expect to find that uwu lovable character to make fancams of.

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Goes to the online bookshop

I read ghosts, confusion, gags, race against time… all the good stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, yes I am Maali. :wink:

:stuck_out_tongue: Okay, sounds good. I like magic realism to an extent.

Is more open than sliding doors during the one week of summer we get :wink:

:partying_face: Exactly what I want! None of this uWu stuff.