Finding a Beta reader or critique partner...

Thanks so much for the help everyone!


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I often search for friends who I have spoken with about the story. To be honest, I really haven’t presented my stuff before anybody yet, except my late husband. It was his greatest wish to see me published. I do hope one day to actually accomplish that.

However, I think that if you do have the first draft done that now would be a wonderful time to have someone take a look at what you’ve written. You just have to be open to constructive criticism and, as my mother so often did to me, the little red pen of grammar correction. She was a teacher. Lol! You will also need to be patient with them, which I’m sure you already know.

I also do not believe that it is necessary to have someone fluent in English grammar to read if all you’re wanting is an opinion on the basic storyline.

I hope that makes sense and helps to some degree.

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