Handling Situations (You vs your character) Number 7

NOTE: Remember this is ALL hypothetical scenario situations, NOT REAL! So, still explain what you would do vs what your characters would do differently.

I am going to make a similar thread to @TheTigerWriter’s in regards to different situations. I want you to choose whichever character you want from whichever story you are working on. You can go for the main, supporting, and/or minor character, it doesn’t matter who and it doesn’t matter for which story. Just decide on one or two or more.

All you need to do is answer what you would do and what your character would do in the same exact situation.

If you know your character a little bit, then play and if you know yourself a little bit, still play.


Situation 7

You are in a supermarket, on line waiting to get your food paid for. A person behind you have only three items, and asked if they could go ahead of you. You figure because they have far less items than you, it would be fine if they went ahead. So, the person goes ahead of you to pay for their items, a loud alarm goes off and a cashier starts waving a bell. You and everyone else on the line are startled by the noise, wondering what is going on. The cashier says to the person in front of you “congratulations, to our one millionth customer! You just won a gift card worth two-thousand dollars (or how much two grand is in your nation)!” The cashier hands him the gift card with two grand and others are clapping and cheering. You however are now realizing that you lost the chance to get two grand. Things get worse when you are about to pay for your items only to miscalculate things, leaving the supermarket with a small portion of what you got. So, you barely have any money and the money you could’ve had went to someone else, who now that you think about it, should’ve went into the express line or somewhere else. What would you do vs what would your character do?

How will you handle this situation vs how will any of your characters handle this situation?

There will be more of these so be on the lookout for them or not, whatever helps.

Thoughts and feelings?


NOTE: Remember this is ALL hypothetical scenario situations, NOT REAL! So, still explain what you would do vs what your characters would do differently.


Situation 6

You are home alone minding your business doing your hobbies. You let out a loud sneeze, a few actually. You go back to doing your hobbies. Your phone makes a ding or buzzing sound and you check to see who it is. Either your family member or friend calls or texts you saying “I am contacting you to say ‘bless you’ because you sneeze. Enjoy the rest of your day!” then ends the call or never texts you back after that. You live absolutely alone and your family members or friends are far away from you. And you are wondering how they would know that. You have no cameras in your home, but they knew about you sneezing a few times. How and why? What would you do vs what your character do?

Situation 7

You are in a supermarket, on line waiting to get your food paid for. A person behind you have only three items, and asked if they could go ahead of you. You figure because they have far less items than you, it would be fine if they went ahead. So, the person goes ahead of you to pay for their items, a loud alarm goes off and a cashier starts waving a bell. You and everyone else on the line are startled by the noise, wondering what is going on. The cashier says to the person in front of you “congratulations, to our one millionth customer! You just won a gift card worth two-thousand dollars (or how much two grand is in your nation)!” The cashier hands him the gift card with two grand and others are clapping and cheering. You however are now realizing that you lost the chance to get two grand. Things get worse when you are about to pay for your items only to miscalculate things, leaving the supermarket with a small portion of what you got. So, you barely have any money and the money you could’ve had went to someone else, who now that you think about it, should’ve went into the express line or somewhere else. What would you do vs what would your character do?


Myself…idk, I can’t think XD

Characters are so much easier.

Eryn’s best friend would be Celeste, and if Celeste said “I’m coming to stay over” Eryn would always suck it up with whatever she’s dealing with and make time for the popular girl.

If it was Tip, he would be honest about his issues. Best friend? Just a friend? Doesn’t matter. If Tip is dealing with something himself and he doesn’t have time for others, he will make that known. A friend might sacrifice themselves for a friend. But a good friend would understand if their friend can’t make time for them.

But Tip would make sure to say when he would be available for a talk.


I agree-

I’ll go with Pomeline for this one.

If her best friend (Kutsa) wanted to sleep over, she would first tell her that her space is cramped, and if Kutsa still wanted to come over, she would let her. She wouldn’t say anything about her personal issues though, at least not right away.


Lara would send them off back to where they came from.

i’d let them, lol. if my parents agree.


I can imagine XD



why so? :eyes:


Vibes from all the stuff you told me before? :stuck_out_tongue:

I just have that feeling that if Lara is dealing with something herself, she isn’t able to take other people’s problems into her life. It’ll just be too much. She’ll just hope the friend understands and if they have Lara as a friend, they probably do :wink:


lara doesn’t have freinds :joy:


Tip doesn’t have friends either :stuck_out_tongue: He’s much too arrogant and selfish for others to stay around him. If he did have a best friend, that’s the stuff he would do, I hope :grimacing:



I hope so too lol


Anyone else? I tackle these later. :wink:

I’d give them shit for ditching me and then coming back when its convenient to them, then pull out the camping mattress and tell them to be gone by morning.

My characters would just open the door to the spare bedroom :joy:


If it’s just for one or two nights, I’d let them come over. I may have my own issues, but I understand needing to get away from something like that. It’s not too difficult to just let them stay the night, as long as they don’t expect me to entertain them too.

If it was my MC, Alma, he’d be nervous about it, but would also allow the friend to stay over. Well, depending on who the friend was. There are some people he’s not close enough with or that he doesn’t trust enough, but I’m assuming it would be a friend he is close to and trusts.



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I understand that.

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How kind!

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Situation 2:

Your boss wants you to tackle an assignment that has nothing to do with your work, while the other employee who is supposed to handle it is off doing nothing. Unfortunately, your boss doesn’t know about the other employee not doing anything, but even if you told your boss, they wouldn’t believe you. What would you do vs what would your character do?