Hi, how’s things with you?

Besides being depressed? Okay, I guess. lol

I was able to finish reading my second book of the year, and now I’m going to start reading Goblin King by Kara Barbieri, so that’s cool.

Writing’s going okay. Still on my third revision. I’m on… I believe… chapter seven. Possibly eight, I can’t remember. But I’m like 55ish pages in out of 280.



Sounds like me every week :flushed: gl.

Yay! You have a month and a half to fix things up :smiley:

What’s Beartown about?

And yes, I am, I have started it and am 3k in.

Yay! Go you for reading your second book! I still need to finish my first one.

I hope things look up for you soon, and you become less depressed. :people_hugging: Hang in there. Depression isn’t nice.


Having a quiet day today.

Yesterday, what I attempted to write pissed me off and needed to be rewritten. Got that fixed and am most the way through the next chapter due to it.

Go me.


yay, let’s give a loud cheer for the quiet day :wink:


It’s about a fictional hockey team in Sweden in a tiny little town where every other industry has moved out, so unless the team wins and brings back the spectators, money, politicians and jobs, the town is doomed. Fortunately, the team has an MVP, so things are looking up for the approaching big game.

And then the star player rapes the general manager’s daughter. (⊙.⊙(-̶●̃ₒ●̶̃)⊙.⊙)

In a side plot it’s revealed that one of the other players is gay, but that storyline doesn’t come to a head until the second book, which I’ve now finished too. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

Eeewww. The first one is definately a controversy. Like since for the good of the town or being truthful for the sake of the one.

Reminds me of the island case, that would be right up your alley to write about.

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Yup, that makes the whole conflict since the police have to arrest the star player right before the big game. When the team loses, everyone in the town blames the victim and she starts getting death threats, etc. I think these Beartown books were made into a TV series, but I don’t watch TV so I’ve never seen it.

Omg I’d never heard of this! That’s freaking awful. They think twelve is a reasonable age of consent? Argh! Especially when the girls never gave their consent! Okay, THIS is a good example of why patriarchal thinking has to go. Brainwashing generations of girls and women into thinking that is normal behavior is just so seriously fucked up. (-᷅_-᷄๑)

I couldn’t have been as merciful as the courts. We’ve corne to this point where we don’t eradicate a culture, to be this lenient. Too many years of Star Trek thinking about primitive cultures.

I know of just as isolated a community in my own parish that my aunt came from. Part of the reason she stuck with my uncle (who was plain evil when drinking) is that he was better than what went on in that neighborhood–although anyone else sane would have ended him, too. The things we didn’t know until everyone was grown.

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a discord bot put me in discord jail for using a gif with the word shit in the subtitles >:T

of course the first thing i did when i got out was say the exact same line but with the russian word for shit instead and as it turns out the bot doesn’t know cyrillic, so suck it bot.