How exactly did you come up with the title of your story?

Cosmic Love was the name of a song on the only Florence and The Machine album I could tolerate listening to, Dog Days are Over.

It just fits a story of a sun and moon romance.


Hmm. Usually, the way I make titles is by writing a list of words/symbols/descriptions that relate to my story in some way or another. This list is usually like 20-50 words long. And then from there I just mix and match words until I get a title that sounds fitting or catchy, but fitting is more important for me. Occasionally I’ll get both ahaha.

Some of my titles:

From the Blood of Maple Leaves | Two artists take the blood of radioactive, sentient plants to paint portraits of people who have passed away.

Glance and the Blue Prophecy | A girl, named Glance, chooses herself to stop a prophecy from bringing harm to her city. The prophecy was told by a boy who has blue magic in a world where magic is only gray.

Steady Ground | A man’s memories have come to life. In order to find peace with them, he has to redefine what it means to move on.

Envisager | A man lives a terrible life for a terrible people known as the Envisagers. Forced to partake in the genocide of a nearby Queendom, his guilt is starting to build. But he’s given the chance to redeem himself.

Edit: Wow, writing all of these back to back makes me realize how bittersweet and melancholy all of my stories are lol. Eventually I need to write something uplifting :joy:


RISE: The Red Sun Rapture Saga went through several different online title generators and word combinations until I finally settled on the current iteration.

Marvela Mystic My elementary school-age self came up with it years ago. I don’t even think I knew what the word “Mystic” meant back then, I just liked the sound of it. :laughing: Although, back then, the title was “Matilda Mystic” but I changed the title and the name of my MC after I found out there was already a book/movie about a magical character titled Matilda.

I came up with the titles The Dark Between Dreams and Hollow is the Heart completely out of the blue looong before I had any story ideas for them.

Obviously I have a thing for alliterative titles. I came up with the title,The Slayer of Stars, specifically to keep the alliteration theme going, haha.


I mean the story had aliens, time travel, tragedy, so I just said cosmic….and consequences…Cosmic Consequences. I always have my title apply to the story more than it probably should



How the heck did you come up with this idea? Speculative as heck.

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