That’s an excellent question, with great follow up solutions.

I think putting up a thread asking about if anyone wanted to join would be step 1, yes.

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Great! Should we wait until you have the world done?

Probably should.
But that’ll only take like a day or two realistically lol

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Oh well then maybe we could put up the thread today, and then we’ll have interest by the time you finish the world?
In the meantime, that’ll give the players time to create characters

True, true.
I’d suggest sticking with the basics on D&D Beyond though, just cause it’s the format I know the best and as such can help walk new Players through things/ understand what other Players are referring to.

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I’m guessing I’ve only played the basic version so that definitely works for me lol
If you want, I can make the thread and include a link to the CS I found? Unless you wanna make it?


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the online character sheet?

Character Sheet.
Duh, that makes sense lol
Sorry, I’m like flipping back and forth through so many abbreviated files trying to keep track of things haha!

Well, let me see what you found so I can tell if it fits or not

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Lol you’re fine XD

Ok! Here ya go~

That’s perfect actually :+1:

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Cool cool! Yeah I picked one that looked like the one we used in the club :slight_smile:

It being an online PDF also helps a lot
Editable without the mess

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Yeah true! Plus you can just download each one you make and then make new ones from the template

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