Imagine getting into the writing game at the age you are now?

To be fair, a lot has changed since the last time I’ve studied it. They don’t talk spectrum as much because they are finding that the verbal just haven’t found no verbal triggers and whatnot yet.

I mean, the level of pain I have to be in to stop talking without other issues is pretty damn high. Everything else is “having had enough”, so while I can vaguely get that kind of overload, it’s not the same.


Well, I wouldn’t be completing my degree, I wouldn’t have writing that many books, and I’d probably be doing something useful with my life ;-;


Oh wow…


My life would be COMPLETELY different. And in a really bad way. I started writing at 12, on youtube. And i met a lot of writing friends thet way. And thats how i met my best friend (were hitting 11 years this month). If i hadnt started writing till now, i would never choose to publish. I wouldn’t have my best friend. My entire life would be changed and it would have sucked, because theres a possibility i would be depressed among other things. I’d probably be a lost cause by now.


Damn, sorry to hear it!

So, writing creatively is like therapy to you?


Hm I started writing qhen i was 11 or 12, somewhere around there. I did a ton of writing during school and in the car and in church and at swim practice and everywhere else… yeah i probably wouldve just spent all the times either reading books, playing games, or watching tv. But i think I would be a lot different because writing made me start to try understanding people and observing their actions. It was also an outlet for my depression so I could get immersed in the worlds and share stories I wish I was a part of, things I wished would happen to me.

Doing that now… I would pay a lot more attention to what Im doing and do a lot more research on how to do things the right way. I would spend time practicing skills, spend ages just reading books and blogs on how to write characters, how to write storylines, how to write… words ^^; And I definetly wouldn’t have the friends I have now, or my boyfriend for that matter. So it’d be like, Im doing nothing with my life and then I start writing and decide to make writing a big part of my life. Hm, thats kinda what I did the first time…


Ikr :joy: Id probably be dying in the astrophysics degree my parents forced me into


It is! I actually began writing because i was super depressed and having suicidal thoughts constantly, and writing was basically my drug. It allowed me an outlet to express how i felt without being judged and eventually i got out of that rut and i came to really enjoy writing more. Ive never stopped since. I turned to it at the lowest point in my life. :rofl: And it led me to meet my best friend who understands me more than anyone else in this world. Its my escape and home away from home.


That’s really beautiful.


If I’d only just begun writing, I wouldn’t be employed. I currently work as an academic writing mentor (with a focus on reflective writing and auto/biography). Some of the undergrads I work with don’t know how to properly string a sentence together and I think I’d be in the same boat if I hadn’t started writing early.

Looking back, I don’t think I had much of a choice. My family is massively involved in literature (my father is a journalist, my mother is a language teacher, my uncles are lyricists, my grandfather was a poet) so naturally I gravitated toward all of that, wanting to be the first novelist in the family.

I started writing when I was 8 (short stories about frogs and such). I used to pass around my short stories to my classmates in primary school (they were not very good, and my classmates didn’t care). I remember having long-winded arguments with my English teachers about my creative writing tasks and how I found them restrictive. In sixth form, I dropped English for good. I found Wattpad in 2014, published a few drafts, then unpublished, and published again. In uni, I fell in love with reflective writing, auto/biography, philosophy of language, and literary criticism — none of which I would have an interest in if I wasn’t a writer.


My life would be so, so different.
I’ve written since I was 8, so for me, it’s genuinely hard to think what I would be doing instead.
I did start a degree in nursing, and when I was 12 I wanted to be a doctor (my grades were never good enough so I did nursing) so I wonder if I hadn’t written, if I would’ve been better at science?
Either way, I would have gone into the medical profession somehow, that much I know.

But the degree didnt work out and I went into a creative writing degree. So I wouldn’t have done that. If I hadn’t done that, I dont think I would’ve met my husband (we met on tinder so you never know, but unlikely)

Yeah, my life would’ve turned out so differently. I genuinely dont know how I would do it now because things have changed so much with online writing, I wouldn’t know what I know now and wouldn’t have written the books I have.


I think the majority of my life would be different because writing is, essentially, a part of my personality.

I started writing at the age of twelve, and only got into it when I got into reading. Reading and writing changed everything for me because it was the only creative hobby I could identify myself with. I couldn’t dance, sing, play an instrument, draw, paint, act, or do anything else. At the time, I didn’t think I would ever find something that not only spoke to me creatively, but also gave me some peace of mind that I was at least talented at something. Of course, between the ages of twelve and sixteen, I sucked at writing but I was in the mindset that I was amazing at it (due to lack of honest feedback and feedback in general).

When I started writing, I thought I had potential to be something more. To be an artist. To be good at something whereas everyone else in my family was good at something, too (my oldest sister was good with drawing and baking, my second oldest sister was good with hairstyling and fashion, and my brother was good at playing guitar).

My love for writing bloomed into my passion for wanting to be a published author one day. Heck, it was what allowed my parents to buy me a laptop (multiple throughout the years) as I wouldn’t have one if I never began writing. I wouldn’t be the booklover I am today, owning a small growing (personal) library and working in an actual one, too.

So I think that if I didn’t get into the writing game until now, at the age of twenty-five, I wouldn’t be where I am today without it. My room wouldn’t have a desk with a bookshelf on it, or another bookshelf and a book cart. I probably wouldn’t be working in a library. And, honestly, I probably wouldn’t be happy either, since writing has helped my depression in more ways than I can describe. Heck, I probably wouldn’t even be here right now because writing got me through multiple suicidal moments throughout the years since I was thirteen. Along with being unhappy, I wouldn’t have known how far I could go with writing and with all the small achievements I’ve made over the years. I mean… I’ve written five full length novels. I’ve gained over 1,600 followers on Wattpad within the last ten years I’ve been a part of the website. I’ve gained over 40,000 views on one of my novels on Wattpad, with that same book hitting the Talent Scouts reading list (a Wattpad official profile which is no longer active). Being a Wattpad Ambassador for five years and being brave enough to apply to one of my dream jobs (working in a library)—which yes, I do count as achievements lol.

So… yeah, when I imagine getting into writing now, my life looks a lot more different than it is now. I wouldn’t know what other hobby I would sink my teeth into or do with myself with my free time. Where would I be?