I've Made a Mistake.

What kind of mistake?

Well. To answer that, I suppose we’ll have to go back to July when I didn’t write and didn’t do my prep work for my next projects.

Then fast forward to August when I did that… Again. Well, with the adition of writing, but no prep work (which I now need done).

Then? You guessed it! September. When I Did write and… Still hadn’t done my prepwork!

So let’s observe the situation pre-blink: I’m 10k into one project and haven’t started the other. I wrote like 6k of those words yesterday. I’m taking a “rest day” today.

I have Absolutely No Plans. Whatsover.

BUT… I have a notebook and sticky notes. I can fix that! Unfortunately, it’s already 10pm (Monday).


And here we are, when I’m typing this. It’s approximately 8am Tuesday.

We are quickly aproaching several time stamps.

  1. Time to take my allergy meds (please. I’m lowkey dying)

  2. Twenty four hours with no sleep.

  3. Twelve straight hours of outlining.

We have passed the following time stamps long ago and have no recollection of it:

  1. Time to eat

  2. Time to sleep

  3. 18 hours with no sleep.

I’ve finished the outline of the first project (10k in). It’s a heist book. I’m hype.

I’m nowhere near done, however, because I also need to finish the other project.

Which is a bloody trilogy.

I’m maybe… 35% through the first book? And 15%-ish through the third? And I haven’t started the second.

And I’m not looking forward to this. Please keep me compamy :pleading_face:


I have gotten a few more chapters outlined. It’s naptime.


I wish I could have, but I crashed after what appears to be a bout of food poisoning (could be a stomach bug).

Some time after I reached 40, my spine decided to become inflamed when I’ve got a stomach virus or food poisoning. That means I hurt too much to focus for the 4-5 hours it takes to throw up and I pass out once the pain is done.

So I was out all the way up u til it was time to rush my kid to school.

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Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!

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Still ache. Stable otherwise.


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