Little things that you've notice that you are using/doing more of...

What are some little things (whether it’s a little thing to you is up for debate) that you’ve noticed that you are doing/using more of???

My Turn/Example:

For jotting some notes or something else, I am using a pencil a bit more. I would normally reach for a pen, but instead I go for a pencil and wooden one at that.

What about you? What little thing have you been doing/using more of and have started to notice it?

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Spreadsheets and list in general. I already made list constantly in my head but having everything written down especially the books I own has been a big help.

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Playing mahjong


procrastinating by doing house chores


Really? The online version or the physical version?

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That is understandable.

Oh cool.

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Yeah…writing a list is helpful and something I should really do more of myself.


To be fair my list thing I’m 100% sure is because of something that I haven’t gone to get diagnosed yet. But, y’know minus the whole needing to make list to cope with anxiety I’m actually glad about it as now I don’t have to look at pictures of my bookshelves every time I want to buy a book. Although, I definitely don’t need to be spending 2-3 hours every time I make a new spreadsheet. But, it’s nice when everything can be organized by a few simple clicks.

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I’ve shifted to having my oldest get all the snuggles in the morning because I’m snuggled out by the end of the day.

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I’m turning into my father

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Good thing or bad thing?

If I were younger, like in my teen years when I loathed my father, I would say very bad. But now… I get it.


I’m talking about the little things lol. Like having BBC on in the morning, dead quiet reading a short story while having a breakfast of cigarettes and coffee. It keeps us sane. I’ve yet to develop a gambling habit :see_no_evil:

Ah, okay.

I won’t ask anything else because that might open some type of terrible memory for you.

Thank you for answering.

Lol I’m turning my wild childhood and my memories of him into a book. It’s gonna be epic. The working title right now is ‘Your Father Was a Revolutionary’. He’s all for it.


Oh wow!

That is good, right???

Ha yes it is. Now I need to convince him to fund my writing endeavours for the next year lol


Sounds cool and fun!
