How was everyone’s weekend?
Not bad, pretty chill. How was your weekend?
It’s been okay! November was a busy month for work so I haven’t really been here but the holidays are slowing things down. How are you?
Hopefully you get enough time to relax and switch off for the holidays!!
And I hope you and everyone had a good holiday! It got busy but mine was okay. Feels like January flew by though.
Oof yeah January has felt so short
It really has! I barely realized it’s almost the end of the month but BAM it’s here. What the heck???
Yeah it’s kind of unsettling when a month passes by so fast
It really is. How’s writing been for you?
I haven’t been working on one solid project for a whileeeeee but I have fun writing bits and pieces! How about you?
I talked Churro into watching Dragonball Evolution with me.
Are you guys enjoying it?
I haven’t seen it yet and he seems to be, to say the least, disturbed by the Robert Pattinson look-alike they cast in the role of Goku.
Say what you will about the Twilight franchise, but at least it was an actual, well, franchise that made, you know, money.
A Robert Pattinson lookalike sounds quite funny to cast, from what I know of Goku that seems a little misplaced but I haven’t ever gotten into anything Dragonball related. Although there was that one bad live-action movie I saw a little but of once on TV (near the end) and that was pretty bad.
I didn’t really get into Twilight even though I saw a majority of the movies at some point or another over the years (and only last hear sat down for a marathon for the fun of it, not by myself) but for all it’s ridiculousness and flaws it isn’t bad in a way that isn’t at least funny.
Goku isn’t a very complex character but he isn’t some teenage boy who gets bullied in high school and has a crush on a girl. Honestly I could see Goku never marrying if he never promised to marry Chi-Chi when they were kids.
Yeah he doesn’t look like he should be Goku at all
There’s been talk that Goku was at least partially inspired by Bruce Lee, so if you think about it from that angle it makes it look like even more of a mistake!
Also I know that the producers, in their infinite wisdom, made Picolo the main antagonist of the movie. If they can’t get Goku looking right, what made them think they could tackle Big Green?
Say what you will about Shalama-mama-ding-dong’s Avatar, but at least all of the characters were humans.
Yeah… there are some things that just don’t translate well into live action very well. Not that they can’t, but they just don’t get the care put into them to ever be great.
It’s been going okay! I have several projects on the go, as always, but they’re going well. I started a Substack to concentrate my content there instead of being spread out over ten million social media platforms. I was in total social media burnout. I am tired of it. So now I am just using my Substack, personal blog, and Medium.
I don’t like social media, I think the burnout of being spread thin over that many places is totally understandable!! Narrowing it down to what works and what you like best is a good idea, I hope that works out well for you and makes things easier.