old world blues || graphics shop || fakes please!||

Hello, thank you for considering this request. The story is up and already completed just so you know.

Title: Crescent Moon

Sub Title: A Collection Of Poetry

Author: Lev

Genre: Poetry

Colors/Moods: Dark blue, black, white. The mood is melancholy and sad/tragedy.

Ideas: My preferred idea is a starry background with a tropical forest. Also, a crescent moon hanging over it. The overall vibe is that it should be simplistic, if you need more ideas or references, I will be happy to help. My other idea is a crescent moon with a universe background. And a girl sleeping on the moon, kinda leaning on it. She could have either red or blond hair. She has her eyes preferably closed (open works just fine too).

Book Cover Inspo: Starry book cover, female book cover, typograhy example

Thank you again for considering.

Hey! I’m really sorry but I’ve tried w this and it just ain’t coming out good. Sorry:(

Hi! Here’s my attempt at this, I hope it’s alright!

open in new tab for full size


Hey, thank you so much! It’s perfect. :white_heart:

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Sweet, glad you like it!

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Awe dang! :confused: now worries I’ll probably make a main request then or find another shop. Thank you so much for trying though. :slight_smile:





Hi are you still taking requests?


Can I request 2 covers? (no worries if not)


I have a community on Wattpad called druidoflore. It has a plot shop and an awards book. I need a few stickers, banners, and 2 covers. I would love to make a request in your thread. Is it okay if I put my request(s) in?

yeah sure go nuts!

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Sweet! Thank you so much!

Title: Lore Awards
Subtitle: A Monthly Challenge
Author: Nil’lynn Stillbranch, The Druid of Lore
Description: A monthly award book with the theme of nature.
Ideas: Object or text-based. Nature theme with flowers and trees. Yellow and pink petals. For the font, a branch style. If not, then any font fantasy-based with swirls.
Inspo: OIP.Y7LDff8lULbfWeXWaC9vywHaLM (474×716) (bing.com) This is the best I could find that I sorta want it to resemble.
Colors: Green and dark brown. Earthly colors

2 Banners: Matching cover please :heart:
1st one Text: Lore Awards
2nd one Text: Vubo nidek sesak deki

I also need 4 stickers.
1 matching the cover completely
1st stick: Traveler
2nd sticker: 3rd Place - copper colored
3rd sticker: 2nd Place - silver colored
4th sticker: 1st Place - gold colored

For the banner, can I get one without the words, please? I want to use it as a chapter break. :heart:

I’ll request the cover and banners for the Plot shop at a later date :heart:

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here you go! I hope these are okay! (the sticker is kind of weird lookin but it’ll look like a proper sticker when it’s on a graphic, promise)

open in new tab for full size on errything


I love these! Thank you so much! :heart: