Out of context, but I feel like a lot of your story is just this kind of utterly wild stuff XD
Kelbis kills a possible ally… Riona fears for what Kelbis has become…
It really is And that’s just my Immortals. My mortals just jumped out the window of a 20 story building after being stuck in traffic for over an hour to get to said building in the first place
Loooooooooooooong story. And by that I mean like 1 whole chapter
“This means it won’t eat us, right?”
Queens and Kings and Pawns and Things:
CLARISSE DE SOUZA: Florist. Arrives high to work mouring the loss of her pet iguana.
It is revealed that the murder victim got killed thinking it was totally fine to go on a date at 1 am
Geldrid, Hal-en and the company of Ossel camp for the night, a days ride from the Illidan.Upon the high fells of Mirrinidor. During that night, the Grey Bears approach their camp. Hunger drives them…
Ossel reveals something within that he did not expect… Something handed down through his lineage, a bloodline curse or no. He knew not… But it serves him well…
“May the grace of Dea ever be with my kin!” He said as he turned to Geldrid and the company. “Yet I must go, as I have a need now. One that the Grey Bears will allow me to hear.” And he wandered into the night…
Rewriting a short story I lost. Granny on a stage, giving her tabloid confessions about a dragon who disguises itself as a truck and humps her vehicles until they are crushed.
An ex convict is having a mental breakdown at his homecoming because his bedroom drawers got repainted.
MC rolled off a (small) cliff to escape a (large) bounty hunter.
Marta discovers that Diego keeps an entire distillation set in his room (and travels around with it)
Hathor gets a tattoo despite never actually going to get one magic