Polls For Fun

all of those are good solutions to different types of headache, it’s mostly about figuring out what it is your missing that’s giving you the headache.

or sometimes… i just bop myself on the head where it hurts. 100% not recommended, don’t try it, you could give urself a concussion or sth.

but it lowkey kinda works.

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Cold showers with the spray aimed at the base of your neck often works. Helps to increase blood circulation around your brain, and to cool the blood flowing around your head.

Also rest in dark rooms, no light, sound or electronics, with plenty of fresh air. Apparently Wi-Fi and Blue-Tooth signals can affect headaches.

And stay away from caffeine for a while.


Try all of the above, usually depending on context.
Bear it,
Drink something,
Eat something,
Try wearing my reading glasses to see if it helps,
get some sleep / take a pill depending upon my to do for the moment

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When i say drink something, i mean cold water. My headaches are 99% of the time caused by heat. And drinking cold water will help me more than weak painkillers.

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A mixture of things.

Well I try to limit my screen time because looking and phones and laptops for too long can really make a headache worse for me. I also try to sleep, close my eyes, stop moving a lot. If worse comes to worse I can always take a painkiller like Panadol to get rid of it.

To organize/keep track of your schedule, do you use

  • Planner/Agenda
  • Calendar
  • Journal (ie bullet journal)
  • Phone app(s)
  • None
  • Other

0 voters


I also like using Post-it notes :mew:


seems like it’s been an appropriate amount of time since I last asked this question and i just got my tongue web pierced.

So, how many piercings do you have? tell me about them?

  • 1-2
  • 3-6
  • 7-9
  • 10+
  • 20+

0 voters

I’m at 15 now


I only have the standard, basic pair on my ears.

I would get more on my ears (industrial would be cool) but I can’t be bothered with maintenance and I have a low pain tolerance.

Wow, 15. Are they mostly on your ears?

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I only have one ear piercing. I did have spider bites but then I took them out over a year ago because I went down the rabbit hole of I need to take them out in order to get a job and now I’m regretting it so yeah.

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I have zero piercings. Used to have pierced ears but my holes would constantly close because i rarely wore them and the silver metal messed with my ears so i stopped wearkng them. My holes have since closed. Just not much of a piercing kimd of perspn.

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there’s no 0 option


Only the standard ones for earrings. Still, 15! :0

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industrials aren’t too bad to heal as long as you have a good piercer do it. It’s very anatomy specific and it hurts more than a helix because everything has to happen twice, but as far as maintenance goes you just spray it with saline every day and don’t lay on that side when you sleep.

yis, i have 7 in my ears, 3 in my face, 3 in my mouth, and 2 below the neck. I’d have more but rejections happen :smiling_face_with_tear:

I think most places are getting better about the ridiculous notion that piercings and tattoos are unprofessional. You could probably put them back in o3o

aw that would suck. I know a couple people with metal sensitivities and it can be quite difficult to find something that works. Titanium is usually okay, or gold.

.-. i forgor

simple and cute uvu


Hopefully, but I am moving to the country so I’ll probably wait until I find out for sure.

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gotta keep an eye out for those judgemental country folk :laughing:

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Who do you prefer?
  • Black Sabbath
  • Metallica
  • Kings X
  • Linkin Park

0 voters


I chose Linking Park only because I never listen to the other ones.
So, yeah, sorry about that.

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Can you draw happiness in a can?

  • Of course, I can.
  • No, I can’t.
  • Maybe, I could.
  • I really don’t know.
  • Are you going to explain what that means finally?

0 voters

Choose wisely.

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It’s interesting that Linkin Park and Metallica are almost drawing lol.

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