If I wrote something “seasonal” with horror, blood, gore and weird stuff would you people actually read it?
- Yes
- No
Choose wisely and only one:
Serious question (for a research thing I’m planning to do):
Do you write genre fantasy and/ or science fiction?
Science-fantasy in a fictional world?
A mixture of both.
Choose wisely once again…
not yet haha
Fair. That counts as a no
Have any of you writers out there write scenes that make sense, but as you write it even though it was necessary, the actions that the main character had to take angers you in some weird way?!
Does that make sense? Like you read those scenes from a reader’s perspective, you get pissed over what the MC does, though it was warranted to happen, since it needed to happen.
Which is sweet and adorable?
Use your imagination if you can and also choose wisely.
Does anyone here write poems anymore?
What type of eater are you?
Choose wisely.
Which is the better title for a story in which the protagonist remembers her previous summer lovers?
Shadows of Love sounds more like a dark romance or a tragedy to me. Sun-kissed Memories has a happier more nostalgic feel.
A fun little true or false or fralse about famous restaurants.
At Olive Garden, they treat you like family, but at Chick-fil-A YOU ARE THE FAMILY?
Just for fun and if you’ve heard of these dining out establishments from the commercials and going there, then things might make sense…maybe.
I haven’t been to a Chick-fil-A yet, so I’ll answer based on my Olive Garden experiences
Go right ahead!
Would you read a book about fictional TV shows that is written in a manner similar to Wikipedia articles?