People evolve at the rate they evolve; there’s nothing that can hurry that process. In the meantime, the only systems that will work now are those that accommodate human nature as it is now. Like, it would be nice if we could invent a drug that made Donald Trump cease being a malignant narcissist, but our technology’s not currently good enough for that. So we need to create systems that protect us from malignant narcissists. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯
We can dream until we realize dreaming isn’t enough.
Too bad action is considered illegal.
Is your character someone who is passionate about the most negative/wrong things?
- Yes.
- Nope.
- Maybe.
- Unsure at the moment.
Will the parts of Australia that actually NEED rain (aka where I live part time) actually get rain in 2025, or will it keep missing us like it has the last +2 years?
- Yes woo!
- Nope try again next year
Which is your favorite out of these three long-running adult animation series?
- The Simpsons
- South Park
- Family Guy
It’s not weird to love Valentine’s Day just for the cute pink and red items, NOT for the romance and lovey-dovey stuff?
- Not at all
- Yes, it is.
- Honestly, I don’t know/maybe.
- To be frank, I don’t like that holiday anyway, regardless of whatever reason people use.
In your own personal opinion, which is easier to hold in your hands when reading?
- Hardcover.
- Paperback.
- E-reader/Phone/Tablet.
I am curious to know.
I have a popsocket for my kindle, so it’s the easiest thing in the world to hold it in one hand. ٩(˘◡˘)۶
I feel a bit comfortable with paperback though I can use hardcover.
Shows and/or books shouldn’t be hyped. People should go into it by only reading the synopsis or story blurb and nothing else. It’s better to not go into something with high expectations or any expectations, totally blind to how the story is going to turn out. Less pressure if something is over hyped or even under hyped. Differences in opinions matter no matter if the majority says other wise.
- True.
- False.
- Tralse (true and false).
Does anyone not like doing writing sprints or pomodoro sprints?
Like you just write whenever you want for how long you want? Breaks only come after you are finished with the chapter or distractions happen.
- Yes.
- No.
- Depends on the story/Sometimes yes and sometimes no.
- Other (explain in the comments).
I have never done a writing sprint, nor have I ever had the desire. Writing under pressure to finish under a certain time limit - and my ADHD demands I finish a whole chapter in one sitting - makes the quality of my writing suffer tremendously. So yes, I do not like writing sprints.
I agree, as I suffer from ADHD with autism myself.
Does anyone here like the look and/or the way fountain pens, quail pens, and glass pens write? Let me know if there is such a thing as a glass pen or I am making that up.
- Yes, I love those kinds of pens.
- Nope, I am not interested.
- Meh, it’s alright I guess.
- I don’t know, maybe???
- Actually, I own a few.
Glass pens are indeed a thing, they look quite fancy!
I couldn’t be sure.
In my current book, my mc buys a set in Venice. Personally I’d find them annoying to use. Who wants to keep dipping a pen? They do look lovely, though. (ღ˘ᴗ˘ღ)
There’s a reason why people collect things.
I believe there are fountain pens that don’t require the liquid ink.
I think.
True or False?
Bedrooms are solely for relaxing not for working and relaxation. If you want to have an office, get either a second bedroom or put it in your living area.
- True.
- False.