Present or Past tenses in reading and/or writing in fiction.

Same. I do the exact same thing.
That is the most relatable thing ever.



Personally, I greatly prefer past tense over present tense, at least for full length novels. But present tense has it’s place, particularly for short stories that are very action packed. It can help raise the excitement if present tense is used, but it also gets to be too much when it’s overused, at least for me. Past tense is still my overall preference.


I feel present tense would work better in shorter story format.
Unless, an author is greatly skilled at that.


Hmm? I don’t have a preference. I don’t understand why or how it bothers people that much. The novel I’m writing is a mix of past and present


I suppose it’s a matter of being told a story vs having a story told, maybe???

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Anybody else?

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