Show Your Writing Evolution

I was recently searching through some old writing and realized… I’ve come far as a writer :sweat_smile:. I started getting into writing in 5th grade and I’m now 25, so like, I’d hope I evolved, haha. Anyways, I figured I’d share a snippet of old and new writing for comparison sake, and was wondering if others would like to hop on the bandwagon.

If you’d like to join me, share about paragraph of old vs. new writing. This impurely for fun, so don’t tear others down, and please don’t advertise your stories here. If someone is interested in your writing and asks for a link, you may PM them. Thanks :blush:!

OLD WRITING (from 5th grade when I was writing my first story - a fantasy):

Fifteen years later…

In a forest, just a short run from Magi’s Forest, there lived a darkness, an evil. There, in Darkside Forest, was a man, a prince, who was already taken in by another creature. This creature was an evil Sorcerer. He was kind enough to give the man skin, but cruel enough to disturb his eternal sleep.

(I’m honestly tearing up with laughter from how poor this looks to my current writing, but like, I don’t think it’s horrible for a 5th grader, haha.)

NEW WRITING (from my junior year of high school, age 17; edited at 24 - a paranormal romance):

Roscoe dipped his head, kissed his girlfriend’s probing fingers before he stared, what Tina had once expressed as googly-eyed, at her pools of lime green. Ashley, Roscoe’s goddess in humanoid form, had bewitching eyes. Her naturally red lashes were a constant tease, especially when they brushed against her seductive bangs. Placing another gentle kiss on the back of his girlfriend’s hand, the man mumbled, “Love often doesn’t make sense.”

(I honestly didn’t know what I should put as an example of my new writing, but I know this is a paragraph that often gets attention because of how I described the girl, so I used it, haha.)

YOUR TURN! Again, share about paragraph of old vs. new writing.


Gonna tag some people I think might enjoy this!

@TheMidnightAssassin @shutupsin @alcoholandcaffeine @CJtheSiteWizard @SomewhatDistracted @48lexR @W.L.Ink @NotARussianBot @anon39043209 @JohnnyTuturro @Novel_Worm


let’s see what i can bring lmao


My older writing is mostly just scripts for comics


Oh no… it’s so bad


I had to search off emails because I used to email myself old documents, haha.




this is from WAY back in 2018 i think

There once were two forces in the universe: the past and future. They both held immense power and wanted nothing more than to rule the universe without the other one in control. There was a bitter battle, and Future won. For thousands of years, Past was imprisoned in a bitter prison in the far outreaches of the universe, until it could deal with it no more, and broke free of its chains. There was another bitter war, until both Past and Future made up, and promised the creatures of the universe that they would fight no more.

Centuries later, there were two fraternal twins: Lucia, a girl with floor-length purple hair, and Cascade, a boy with short blue hair. They were both orphans, but still managed to survive in the world. One day, Cascade is taken to the city jail for stealing some fish and bread from a street vendor. Lucia sets off to find him, only to have Past appear right in front of her-and only she can see it.

Past tells her about her true parents-how they died fighting against the evil empire of Lavisvale. Lucia, shocked, asks who her parents were.

“Only the very brave King Vivis and Queen Luminus, my child.”

my grammar was so fucking bad


Ooo, snippet! XD



I’ll see what I can find aunty


most of my writing was on word and currently i do not have the flash drive

so i had to use google docs



There is too much to explain


This ws pretty good! XD the only thing is… I read Cascade and remembered I have to do dishes XD.


Fine, fine. XD


Haha, yes, find me the good stuff! XD


I always used to lose my flash drives, that’s why I started doing emails, haha.

Fifth grade (read at your own risk)

“I swear, Lexi, FINN SAW THE GHOST!!!” I was frustrated with Lexi, who said it was a kidnapping with no ghost involved.
But I knew better. There was something supernatural about this place, just too weird to be true. I’m normally a disbeliever, so I kinda believe but I need a bit of proof. But the ghost, Finn’s kidnapping, and even my sudden moving here, I got the feeling that this wasn’t just a coincidence. Eamon was next.
The was something crazy going on, and I intended to figure it out. The whole thing was more mind-blowing than the idea of LEGO Elves.
“Lexi! We’re going to solve the mystery of the strange things going on here.” I told her on the phone. I wasn’t afraid anymore. I was determined!
But then I heard the bloodcurdling scream on the phone. My bravado faded. “I saw him out the window!” She yelled into the phone. Then the line went dead. I knew what was going to happen, but I wanted to be there anyways. And I found nothing.

Tenth grade, so from about a month ago

Diving into the water felt almost like falling asleep: dark, free, and weightless.

I’d gone scuba diving during the day before, but never at night. The inky blackness stretched on endlessly, split up by the luminous blues and greens of unknown sea creatures. It took me a couple moments to flick on my dive light.

A shiver ran down my spine as I swung the beam of light back and forth. Illuminated by the ghostly blue glow, I could see the half-rotted and algae-drenched skeletons of shipwrecks in the distance, swarmed with schools of fish and long-limbed starfish creeping over the boards.

Clouds of silt swirled languidly across the ocean floor as I started to make my way towards the shipwrecks. As I swam, I couldn’t quite shake the feeling that something was lurking just outside of my flashlight’s beam.


That’s an excellent quote


Bookmarking this thread. I have a ton of old shit.


Pfft even Paper is here ok :woozy_face: