So, I got that Mega Novel message, guys

Do you think they are a scam or are they actually going to pay people and not steal their stories? Someone contacted me on Wattpad and when I asked what it was about, it was Mega Novel. Yay. So, what have they got to offer? This time around, their message went into a lot of detail than they normally would.

I found it interesting :stuck_out_tongue:

Interesting they have to say they are legit.

their letter

I’m a representative of Mega Novel. I want to ask if you’d be interested in signing one of your stories with my platform. No pressure, if you’re not interested you can simply tell me or ignore. And if you’re here are some details about the contract we offer.

Mega Novels is a legit platform, where writers get encouraged and paid for there hard work.

We offer two contracts.

Exclusive Contract: It pays better. Once you sign the contract and update up to 50k words, you get your signing bonus which is $100, also your book gets locked, and you start making 50% shares earned from your book. You can withdraw immediately you get up to $100
That’s not all, this is more of our payment scheme.

50k words = $100 signing fee
$150 attendance bonus
$150 Completion bonus
Total: $400

100k words = $100 Signing fee
$150 × 2 = Attendance bonus
$250 Completion bonus
Total: $ 650

120k words = $100 Signing few
$150 × 2 = Attendance bonus
$325 = Completion bonus
Total = $725

250k words = $100 signing fee
$150 × 4 = Attendance bonus
$400 = Completion bonus
Total = $1,100

MegaNovel pays all debt from 15th of every month.

Note: Your book can’t be updated on any other platform after signing it, you are only permitted to keep just four to five chapters as sample on any other platform.

Non-Exclusive Contract:
You can post your book on any other platform, as many as you like. We have no issue with you. You get 50% shares made from your book, and also get $50 when you update up to 50k words. which is now a paid story.

Can we proceed? Pick one you feel comfortable with.

Feel free to contact me at [removed the email so no one will contact them]

It’s all this quantity over quality, don’t you think? I sent them back with a really nice message basically saying that I value quality over quantity thank you very much. I didn’t have to respond because it could be a bot but what if there was a chance it got to some human eyes?

Don’t trust sketchy messages. Do your research before signing ANY contract.


I think it’s a scam. I got messages from X Novel, M Novel, basically everything Novel haha. I think its the same scammers just changing up their name at this point.

I think if someone wants to contact you, they have to go through Wattpad first so Wattpad can message you themselves.


I’ve gotten webnovel and everything. Pretty sure they’re all scams


I got the exact same message, word for word copy/paste here’s how I replied.
“Well no, we can’t proceed. If I was to be interested, you would have to provide me with some reason why your offer is any better than the 50+ offers I’ve already rejected from various online platforms.”
Also, I’ve gotten far enough so that I’ve had contracts sent to me before, and what I can say is that you can expect to be giving away the rights to everything concerning your work, and if they could they’d take your first born child too.
Technically, they’re not allowed to contact you on wattpad at least, so why would you trust an online platform that can’t follow the rules of an online platform? :grin:


If you’re getting it over wattpad, there’s like a 99% chance it’s spam


Scam. You shouldn’t trust anyone asking for money for your book. Agents, publishers, people like these…don’t trust them if they ask for money.


I’ve heard stories of people getting them on Twitter and Facebook, too.


Scam, most likely.


Probably still a scam


Honestly, Is be more likely to believe the "thirsty foreigner* DMs on FB.

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