So, tell me, what is on your mind at the moment?

Madonna, night-swimming and the executive decision not to read the Harry Potter novels (why start now when I didn’t care for it earlier?)

I want to roll around in a pile of cold mud and cover myself in it.

Interesting thought:

What would the world be like if in every country there were more places to get great help in mental health and the entire world is WAY more knowledgeable about mental health issues and ways to assist people in therapeutic and medicinal ways?

Sounds like something out of a beautiful, wonderful dream?

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I know, wouldn’t it be awesome? In one of my old books, there’s a device that cures all disease, affliction and infirmity, so everyone’s healthy. Maybe there’ll be something like that for realz in a thousand years or so…?

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Yeah, this thing is alreaf6 pushing boundaries, so I amy put it down in a fit of icky, but its kind of funny.



I was watching a new video of a black YouTuber living in Japan I subscribed to that had her focusing on gardening. She garden vegetables since Japanese supermarkets don’t have the vegetables she like in America or they have it, but it’s expensive.

My question to you is: Do you live in a location where people do a bit of gardening their own veggies and other things? Also, how big is farming and gardening in Japan a thing?

Whether it’s personal gardens or not, how big is it over there? Sorry, if that sounds like a silly question.


Reading a story with a super-marshmallow hetero male lead. How the hell did I fall into this?


Every house around me has a garden and idk if any of them have vegetables, but they have tons of flowers which is pretty to look at.

Farming and gardening, depending on where you go, if there’s enough land, can be a pretty big thing. But I don’t think it’s any different from any other country. If you go to the countryside, there’s lots of farmland. If you go to the city, people with gardening hobbies might have plants inside or something.


I drew a rose dragon fairy.




:heart_eyes: :blush:
So cute!


This is awesome.

Thanks for explaining that to me.

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I saw a thing.

This song goes hard:

Also, I was inspired to listen to it because the title would be good for a fanfic I might write for a show I haven’t watched.


I have diabetes from all the sweetness now, thanks.


Fruits Basket is probably the most beloved and sucessful shoujo series in recent history.


Kidnaps Hello Kitty and makes her into a villain called Hello Shitty.


You know what? I should just enter something really screwball into the Wattys and confuse them. Who cares what’s popular? It’s all about having fun. I do the best when I just make something really random and messed up and unpredictable. I was reading back Sofa, So Good and I wrote that when I had a flu and honestly, I didn’t overthink it, and people liked it.

Why am I even overthinking this? :joy: It’s not like I’m getting a TV show anytime soon with the current writers strike is it?


You could write about the adventures of Chico

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