Doing something that requires a random fit of energy yet again…
Ate a sandwich.
Making cards for all these dang lug nuts…
Did some writing.
Looked up medieval treatments for the clap. Decided to invent a fictional treatment instead. (♯^.^ღ)
Did some writing and I am pleased with things.
Moved house
and by house I mean apartment because who the heck can afford a house this days
Congrats on the move!
Finished another chapter of my WIP, took a pill because I was unsure if I took it already, and chatted a little with my mother.
Found out the hard way it’s one of the buildings where the fire alarm always goes off. No idea why anyone is burning toast at 3am
Ha! That’s what it’s like with neighbors that don’t know silence at night.
At least you don’t have to deal with a party going on till 3:00 AM, I dealt with something like that and that was more than just annoying as shit.
I get you want to have fun, but it is nighttime so take yo ass to sleep!
Nothing, nothing at all.
Did some writing and I enjoyed myself.
Played the Sims 4.
There comes a time in everyone’s life where they have to make the hardest desicion.
I ate something then made a phone call.
Watched YouTube.
Called my cousin.
Made myself a cup of iced coffee!