So, tell me, what's the last thing you did before coming here again?

Probs not, cuz I made it pink, too. ᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ

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A bunch of things…

Order a proof copy of my bonus chapter / short story


Eat a little, but before that me and my family went to visit my grandparents’ grave-site to see them and go out to eat.

It was a nice day, I saw my cousins and uncle and it’s been a while.

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Drake ain’t beating the allegations if even Kuromi is dissing him. :skull:


Update: write some more.

Came home from the pet store, got bird food

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Aww…what kind of bird? I mean in terms of the breed.

Wasn’t sure how to word that properly. LOL! :sweat_smile:

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Good question! They are a pair of male lovebirds, though I’m not sure if they are Fischer’s lovebirds or masked lovebirds, or possibly hybrids since I read that could happen in the pet trade/breeding of these birds

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Aww…that sounds adorable!

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They are! :smiling_face: very cute, though they get nippy and bitey sometimes :rofl:
Luckily they can’t really do more than pinch, and they’re fun to watch

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last thing i did was email my professor that im missing class today because im sick asf.

i haven’t been here in literally probably a year omg its so nice to see this forum is still going!!! someone pls update me on any forum shenanigans ive possibly missed :>


Dear Lord, I remember you!

You’ve been busy. LOL!

well NOW i’m busy since i started college this january LOL but before that i kinda just… fell off the face of the earth, i wasnt even busy LMAO

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Just finished the worst catalog cover I’ve ever designed, but it’s exactly what the boss wanted so :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Yes, it happens.
I did that for a few months then came back.

I wrote some of my story then made a PB&J sandwich.

Eat dinner.

Walked my dog! I haven’t been here in a few years and I got curious lmao

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