Have my daily laugh at the snow cams only to see it is actually snowing on some areas of the resort finally
Eat breakfast.
Get mad at my shitty phone!
Make character cards and decide I need a conspiracy board to put them all
Write more questions for Alagossia’s magic system that I should stop and start answering, because it is going to keep growing and growing if I don’t making it harder for me to tackle it and become overwhelming to me in the end.
So, I am stopping for now, and tackling the long list of the plenty of questions. And yet it feels like I’m forgetting some things too.
I invented a new character. Jason from Wyoming.
Start on new meds that I have discovered the hard way taste like that cold and flu medicine we have for kids over here. That was a childhood memory I did NOT need unlocked
Ate something.
Ate lunch.
Read some Mistborn and stopped at page 152.
I am proud of myself for that.
Work. Ew
it’s eid tomorrow, so i just finished cleaning the house top to bottom. it’s half five now, might have time to watch the rest of geek girl.
Made a sandwich.
lol, I’m glad I decided to come here and stalk because I was wondering where you’d disappeared to hope you’re okay, big hugs
Took pictures of a bunch of lug nuts.
Yep, for work lol. They’re new products we have to add to our marketing materials and catalogs.
Now to photoshop a bunch of lug nut pics. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Brushed my teeth.
sorry! i forgot to make a wattpad announcement first,
and to state it on my profile but it was spontaneous!
i’m good, thank you gorgeous biggest hugs!
love u.