Story wise, which sounds more enticing?

I shall give two options that are similar to each other.
NOTE: These are just examples

Option A: Adrian has always been told stories about his father from his mother up till she died. He loves his mother dearly and always wanted to see his father to meet him. However, people in Adrian’s neighbor are calling his mother a liar and shunning them because of it. Adrian’s father turns out to be a great man with an incredibly wealthy background. Yet upon meeting his father, Adrian learns that the man who his mother claims to be his father isn’t even related to him. It turns out that Adrian’s mother is a delusional liar who worked for the man who she claimed to be Adrian’s father. His real father is unknown. So, Adrian has been believing his mother’s lie and stories for a while. This forces him to question everything about himself and the mother he once praised.

Option B: Adrian has always been told stories about his father from his mother up till she died. He loves his mother dearly and always wanted to see his father to meet him. However, people in Adrian’s neighbor are calling his mother a liar and shunning them because of it. Adrian’s father turns out to be a great man with an incredibly wealthy background. Yet upon meeting his father, Adrian learns that the man is indeed his father. But Adrian’s father abandoned him and his mother since he no longer wanted anything to do with them. Now, Adrian is unsure whether to adore his father or follow his own path.

What option piques your interest more?


Short honest answer is neither. But, I do see potential for either.

I will keep this short but if you want more input, I will hide it in extended details. The main problem I see in either situation is that the conflict is, well, weak. I assume by what you have written you are aiming for a “coming of age” or “self-discovery” type of story? The meat and bones of these stories are with a singular, traumatic, event that typically unroots everything the Protagonist believes or provides enough evidence for them to question what they believe they know. Option A has the strongest potential, but I am not seeing a motivational push for the Protagonist to seek out answers.


The main thing that throws me off is that if he has known or been told for so long who his supposed father is, why does he wait until his mom dies to find him and meet him? Does she try to arrange for them to meet? Is she confined to a Sych Ward and he lives close by to talk to her? Are they living on their own in a town far away from his supposed Father? What’s the benefit or gain if he moves? Can he even afford to? Plus, what about the reproductions on the Rich Man who has been declared his father? Do people now believe he has been cheating on his family? Does he have another family?

My advice would be to make the event that drives him more dramatic and meaningful. That connecting with his father is important not just for the sake of family but for deeper reasons. Right now, it sounds like the start of a casual Dama TV show. And while its not bad, these do not tend to have a strong centered plot.

All that said, this is just my opinion. I will note that I personally stick to Fantasy in my writing and do not really delve into modern stories (which I get the impression this one is). So, please take this with a gain of sault. Hope others can comment soon and validate if what I critique here is correct or not. Keep writing and good luck!


Oh no.

This is just the back story for one of the main characters.

I am still unsure of the route I wanna take.

By the way, this story is science- fantasy.

These things may change.

NOTE: Never mind. I have to figure out a much better solution to this tiny problem.

Forget what was written in the original post.

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Ah! That would have helped to know before I posted lol
Glad you got it worked out though!

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This is still something for one of the main characters’ backstories.

I am referring to an earlier post.

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