Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

It sounds like we need to make an ONC R4R circle or something along those lines for our new projects.

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ik it’s not for me but i wanted to try anyways

Mais, the boy went fast fast down to the bayou to get out of here. Was the boy about to shoot them up?


mm, i don’t participate in ONC and this isn’t a new project. but i’d be down for an r4r circle!

Made changes and what not to my story.
So, I shall return later or tomorrow…probably tomorrow.

I’ve been trying to get back to writing my ONC project but beyond editing and adding to the first chapter I have no inspiration for the story.

I’ve thought about doing something like my ONC project for awhile now but I was always like no I’m not ready to write this. And well here I am having no motivation and feeling like I’m just not ready to tackle it yet.

I just feel like I need something I consider easy for the moment. Which I mean I was thinking about doing a romance with prompt 63 aka the rival coworkers one so maybe on Monday I’ll try to write something for that and see if that’s easier for me.


It’s for some further refining fast fast is faster, Mais is me, used like “oh my”, it stays down the bayou because the roads travel parallel to the waterways, T-baw is “little boy” a nickname.

But the basics were there, so it’s not totally losing readers. But I’d you did this with an ethnic character for everything they say, it will slow down comprehension.

In my case, when I have Cajuns talking, they talk normal to everyone around them, and slip into cultural speech when they talk to each other. It cuts down on how often I have to work on translating my own speecj. I also soften it a lot more, like not dripping all the ending Ts.

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So, I am going to try to get some writing in. Only I am going to focus on my other Alagossia novels than Red Reign. I need to switch stories and gears because I need to focus on something other than purely Red Reign.

You know as I am looking at the list for my Alagossia novels, some of them need work and feel lackluster to me personally. Got to work on them or redo the plot for Red Blizzard.

I am going to get started on Red Blizzard and a new “short” story idea called The Broken House of Mystics which is slightly different than what I am used to.


We were! I wasn’t sure at first, but I was like, didn’t this person review a chapter for me once? :smiley: Yeah, I’m the same way. I’m all over the place as far as “scheduling” goes. I’ll post to that thread then so we can do another chapter trade. :muscle:


Yeah, difficult to read. I did get it after reading it twice though, but I get what you mean. I’m not aiming to go that far with the accents. As far as I’m going is like the example I gave. I think “common” slang is okay to write like ‘cause/‘bout/goin’/friggin /somethin’ and so on? Mostly words where you omit the “g” at the end. :thinking:


So I’ve decided to take one of my “graveyard” ideas that I didn’t know what to do with it, and try to reboot it as a “short story” for ONC. I have no idea what I’m doing. :scream: I’ve never done this before. My problem is that I write TOO MUCH. So having to get to the point and keep things short is going to be a challenge. It gives me a chance though to try a genre that I don’t write as often. I think it’s a dark fantasy with a sub-genre of romance. :thinking:


Well, for friggin’ , there’s no real way to get around it because I can’t think of a single use of that that would put it on the end.

So, the goal with slang is:

  1. Readability. Mildly peppered is not a problem.
  2. Natural use. The way you normally speak, in another’s mouth and thoughts, is not a problem.

So, 1st person SHOULD have a good bit of slang in the first place–just held in the constraints of it’s time and place.


I usually have problems with comprehension if the first letter is omitted or accent is reproduced ‘by ear’ in totally different letters like in ‘lawd’ instead of ‘lord’. I was just reading to my husband a book that quoted something from Brer Rabbit, and I had no idea what that sentence was saying. I am hugely against any garbled speech. Also, my struggle with those 40-50’s detective stories by Chandler. Ye gods, dialogue was incomprehensible. Like the whole lines of it, I just had no frigging clue.


You get a southerner to read it in an audio file, and it becomes easier.

But yeah, there’s always a percentage of readers that can’t process it.


No, it gets harder, lol, if you are not from that part of the US. Just like every dialect/language you can’t expect a person not immersed in it to suddenly become fluent in it. My husband (and he is a native English speaker) watches US shows with close captioning on. Actors mumble or have accents. You need text that makes things clear to everyone. It’s like the difference between Mandarin and Cantonese dialects.


Unfortunately I’m one of those people that would unconsciously pick up an accent if I’m around it enough. But not in total. My sister-in-law is Trinidad (Scots/India blend), so it’s like listening to someone who mixed up a British and Jamaican accent at the same time. I have to make her repeat herself because I don’t always process what she said.


I plan to post on Ao3 going forward, seems very active


I love Ao3. I post my fanfics there. :muscle:


Going to math (horrible idea I know) and try to plan how many chapters/words it’d take to do the ONC. And try, once again, try lol to plan ahead.

I’m still editing DTDM. Haven’t added to my prequel in a bit, but I’m okay with that. Letting it sit a bit. :crossed_fingers:


Honestly, ONC being a short form, you don’t need a huge outline. Mine is just a double-sided page (short for me, just scale up and down for your usual) I printed out and I scribble notes in pencil on it, not even editing the outline file.


I watched Cube a while ago and I learned that math can save people’s lives

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I am going to get started on Red Blizzard and if I am up to it Red Reign. I need to get my mind off the small amount of bullshit that my insurance is giving to focus on something else more enjoyable…my stories.