Struggling Writers’ Daily Den: rant, share, complain, ask, daily progress thing (Part 2)

That is a gibbon, mandrills are worse

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why you do rafiki like that

baboons are awful too, tbh, i think the second hunger games movie scarred me for life on those

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I need to vent but I’m also tired because I didn’t sleep last night and so I’m also cranky and my boss wants everything done at the same time and then tacks on the “if you’re overwhelmed, let me know” line right after I list out all the things that are on my plate as if she hadn’t heard a word of what I said. I ask for priorities and everything is a priority. Gee, thanks, that clears it up.

On the bright side, I got to surprise her a bit by detailing how complex one of the tasks is and I’m proud of myself for having said that so smoothly. I have a tendency to rush in those situations because I want the conversation to be over with and so I give only the need to know info which as I’ve found makes me look not as smart and not as busy as the people who give too much info. So this is an improvement.

So I keep telling myself, it’s okay, just get to it one thing at a time. It just sucks to not know where to start, to not have a clear priority. Whatever I choose will delay something else.

I just want to go home, write, sleep, write. But no can do. Gotta leave this bathroom stall and get right back there.


Mandrills DO look scary.

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they have lorge teeth

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My little hobgoblins are easier to placate.


I’m doing all the spider names as 1-2 syllables to be easier on people, save 1.


It will be called Kets.


Judging by the way I wrote the plot for The Red Ghost; it’s going to be a horror story set in a fictional science-fantasy world.

Yippee Skippy!


that is a very specific name

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What do you call a series of different novels that are set in the same fictional world but have absolutely no correlation with each other?

Like The Red Ghost and Red Reign: Monster in White are set on the planet of Llyria but take place in different timelines and have nothing to do with each other.

What do you call that? A franchise or something else?
I am curious.

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I can’t wait until I put it in front the 1st grader.

It will be written above her grade level, but overall “safe enough”.


They have the concept down, but I don’t think it has a singular name.


So, it’s called nothing?

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I don’t know a word for it that separates it from books that are more related. Like both related and unrelated would be called an anthology or a series.


Ah, I see. Thanks for answering.

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This is the Perm series, to get a feel how it’s described against the trilogies and what it within it:

It’s even written by more than one writer.

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I just love knowing the ending to my novels before I am even close to finishing the damn thing. Sarcasm intended.


It has its ups and downs. Knowing your end without having your middle settled means that the middle can wreck your ending.


it would be a series.

A group of separate resources related to one another by the fact that each resource bears, in addition to its own title proper, a collective title applying to the group as a whole. The individual items may or may not be numbered” - the RDA’s definition of a series.


Ups and downs are right.
I have a general idea of where I want the story to go far as direction. But for the love of all that is pure and sane, why do I constantly do that? LOL!

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