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Gah, that sounds like so much fun!! I need to badger someone into letting me out of the state lmaoo

As an ambivert, I can totally relate - being spontaneous seems to work best for me, maybe it’ll work for you as well? :eyes:


:joy: your characters are bidding their time :rofl:


you should sneak out xD :shushing_face:

Hmm, perhaps. What exactly do you mean by being spontaneous?

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I should shouldn’t I xD

sometimes I play out entire conversations in my head - when this happens I go up to whoever I’m trying to talk to and just spout out the first semi-conversational thing running through my brain xD Works like a charm unless the person’s a snob then idk :eyes:



Bahaha, tell me about it. xD I have a million conversations playing in my head all the time. But they never get to see the light of day. :eyes: I think weird thoughts that I would never feel comfortable sharing with random strangers. :joy: Plus, I hesitate too much. By the time I decide on whether to say something, the chance will have already passed. xD

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every second xD


this - i scream internally when this happens lmaoo then my brother looks at me like I’ve lost my mind 'cause he’ll notice the constipated look i have on :rofl:


:joy: Yeah. I mean, I always feel like screaming, but it happens way too often. I usually don’t show it on the outside but on the inside I’m dying. xD

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first of all I’m so so sorry for replying late, I was thinking of what to say (I’m terrible at conversations :sweat_smile:)

Thanks! I did better yesterday. I think I just need more sleep.

The thing is I procrastinate way too much, and now I can’t get more sleep because I need to study :’) debating on whether I should pull an all-nighter and get it done now, or sleep for five hours and risk not submitting homework on time (it’s due in ten hours).

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I’d rather have your Monday. All this free time is making me less motivated to study.


no worries at all! :blush:

Same here :joy: I actually watched this video on FB by Luke Coutinho - he says tha tthe quality of sleep is more important that quantity and has an explanation for how to achieve that. I can link it if you’d like? Currently trying his tip out myself

don’t submit lmaooo

aww :sadhug: totally can relate but I’ve found that looking at aesthetic study stuff always helps! if you have ig, check out @emilystudies - it’s so cool


Oooh, I haven’t heard about the guy, but I have heard about the quality vs quantity of sleep. I remember there was this TED Ed video about naps and the different stages of sleep. I’ve been testing it and so far, naps work.

I will die if I don’t lol

Really tempted to put if off. Well for my last homework, I literally submitted three minutes before the deadline. I consider myself quite experienced in speedrunning assignments :joy: (my personal thread lurkers can attest to that)

I don’t have Instagram but sometimes I use an Instagram viewer to view public profiles and stories, particularly of famous people and meme pages :sweat_smile: I’ll check it out sometime :slight_smile:


lmaoo i hate naps - i feel all gross after xD

ahh - good luck then, you can do it !! :joy:

ah okii :blush:


This was me for most of my life. My mom would tell me to take a nap but I wouldn’t because I’d consider it a waste of time. I’d end up feeling groggy after the nap, not refreshed. I’m only taking naps because college life is forcing me to :’)

Thanks! :slight_smile:

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ohhh - welp, some sleep is better than nothing I guess :woman_shrugging:


I uh, i actually dont remember what i did on monday lol, but I woke up annoyed because of a dream :joy:

:joy: the highlight of the day xD

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lmao yeah

I’m not on this time t-t

@TheMidnightAssassin @wednesday @NotARussianBot @FourcedowErsert @Manya707 @Siren @stella_vigo @Zena

Question of the week I guess xD - What is your favourite dessert and why?

Anything with chocolate, no nuts or fruit, makes me a lot less irritable than usual. :joy: Recently my mother made tiramisu and it’s already over :sob: I need moreee xD


Same here, except I don’t like mint in my chocolate too :sweat_smile: I just love chocolate and chocolate-flavored stuffβ€”chocolate soufflΓ©, chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake, or just plain chocolate. It just hits the senses different (especially European chocolate; it’s amazing) :ok_hand:


Well helloo xD

it definitely is but so expensive lmaoo - I bought a bar of it in Amsterdam I think and in my currency it was 100+. My mother was pissed, despite the fact I used my own money :joy: She said stop wasting my allowance on chocolate