Leander: Hero antagonist - He is MC hero but evil to most people
Caspian: Hero antagonist -He is most people’s hero but MC villain
Leander: He doesn’t really have an overall goal that makes him be bad. He’s been through some awful stuff and has been alive long enough he’s bored and does bad shit for revenge or just because.
Caspian: After generations of his family failing, he’s convinced he’s going to be the one to finish their work and kill off all the ‘evil’ creatures. His adoptive father came close and taught him all the toxic beliefs so obviously he’s going to be the one.
Leander: At first it was revenge, now its a mix of destruction and desire to maintain peace. He killed the people who hurt his family and him. Hes killed all the people who hurt his people. Now its mostly killing to maintain what he’s fought for and because sometimes he just can and a person deserves it.
Caspian: Glory, he wants to be the one who kills off all the ‘monsters’. He’s going to be the best. He doesn’t care what it takes.
Leander: Eliza is probably the only real threat to him. He’d let her kill him without a doubt. No one else has a chance actually ending him.
Caspian: Leander if he ever breaks the curse. Otherwise, himself really. His ability to not leave things be when he knows he can’t win.
Leander: He had been mentally broken, so there wasn’t much thought about it at the time. After he felt good, and stressed because it didn’t give him much relief.
Caspian: He was trained to be a warrior but was scared as hell. After he did it and realized he was being cheered on for killing he proceeded to not mind it.
Leander: Being captured and tortured and forced to watch his family be brutally murdered. Adding a need for revenge to an already cruel no nonsense upbringing.
Caspian: Corruption from going from being on the streets to having too much power as a Lord. Being eaten up by the glory.
Leander: He’s very an eye for an eye punishment. That if you wrong him, he will wrong you of as much if not more. He thinks that he was created a monster to be a monster. Though he believes that the helpless and those who are looking for peace deserved to be protected. He also is very respectful to his people. As a necromancer he is very big on the rights of the dead and undead.
Caspian: He has no real morals that he genuinely sticks to. He will stomp down anyone to get what he wants.
Leander: Leander can be the protagonist, just he’s going to keep being a threat until people stop messing with his people and land and him.
Caspian: Caspian will always be a P.O.S.
Protagonist: Eliza is definitely headed towards being a bad guy regardless.
Leander: I agree with him protecting his people, he just takes it too far because he wants to.
Caspian: I understand wanting to do well for yourself, and in theory he thinks he’s protecting his people. Not a fan of his hatred and prejudices. Or the mass genocide and superiority stuff he gets into.