What’s your demographic?

  • Children, 5-12
  • Young Women, 12-18
  • Young Men, 12-18
  • Adult Women
  • Adult Men
  • Senior Citizens

0 voters


As someone who writes in multiple genres and target audiences (YA and new adult) I don’t have a specific demographic in general, only based on the particular book I write. However, the demographic of most of my previous stories through Wattpad were roughly young women between 12-18 with the next bunch being adult women within their 20s and 30s. Young or adult men don’t often look at my stories, though I did see an increase with a previous novel In the Dark since the story is a bit more masculine than my YA romance/contemporaries (ITD is a new adult murder mystery with a 22 year old male college student).

I’m currently writing a YA sci-fi fantasy with a 17 year old male as the main character, so my demographic expectations are toward teen boys for the book, though I know the majority who would read my books are teen girls.


My target audience is adult men and women both


I try to write for everyone, but my main demographic is probably going to be adults, but adult men more so :joy: (and women too, of course, don’t get me wrong, but adult men MAY enjoy my books better). I do not intentionally write for teenyboppers or really anyone under the age of eighteen, nor do I tend to.


I typically write for teens and adults but do many different geres and do not specifically target one gender. As someone who finds the gender binary and traditional gender roles distatsteful, I prefer to just target people as my audience.


Advertisers split their demographics by gender because generally men and women have different interests. Your audience might lean to one gender or another, despite your best efforts.

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It differs greatly from book to book.

The book I’m writing right now? Its audience is new adult, so that would be men and women between the ages of 18 and 25. I wouldn’t say it caters to a specific gender, but so far I think its audience leans more masculine if I had to pick.

My other series, the Other Realms series, is definitely young adult. The books (especially the first one) are intended for the younger YA audience, say 13–15, and they might lean more feminine than masculine? I can’t say for sure.

As for my other books, some of my short stories are middle grade, others are YA, and some are for all audiences XD idk about my poetry, but I guess it leans more to a YA female audience.


Teen, YA and NA. So, basically 15+

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Actually, I don’t know in all honesty.
That makes me sad.

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I’m aware, and I expect that. But I’m not writing it specifically for males or females. More men or more women may end up reading it, but I’m not going to try and predict that, because my stories aren’t meant to be for only one or the other. It’s most likely going to be women for my fantasy and men for my sci-fi, simply because that tends to be the case for those genres.


as someone who works in an elementary school, I want to point out that 5-12 is like 10 different age demographics as kindergarteners are 5 and kids are 12 in middle school lol! in those 7 years, kids go from not being able to read at all to possibly reading young adult stories, depending on their interests or ability.


Well yeah, but I was speaking of general children’s fiction. Nobody here is writing picture books, but @HKelle’s own book about magical familiars was made for kids on the older side of that spectrum.

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I can’t write for kids, I would scar them for life :smiley:


I feel like me writing for kids would end up something like “And then the other guy gave him a really big ouchie on his throat :face_with_head_bandage: And then he took a really long nap on the floor and never woke back up :dizzy_face:

Aka I should definitely write for children. Definitely.


I refuse to believe in target demographics, it threatens cutting off anyone supposedly NOT in that demographic.
I’ll write whatever I want to write, and anyone who wants to read it can.
So long as you keep out anything inappropriate/X-rated just about anyone can read anything.


No senior citizens? Nobody is writing books for grandma and grandpa?

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It depends on my book. Seriously. Like, I write for new adults mainly, but I will step into YA in some series. I’m mostly 18 - 25 female audience, but I do get an occasional, male audience.


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