What would you be doing with your free time if you weren't a writer?

I’ve thought about this a lot because writing has been a part of me for years, but I wasn’t always a writer. There was a time in my life, before the age of twelve, where I hated reading, where I didn’t write at all. If I hadn’t chosen to pick up a book, if I hadn’t chosen to write stories… where would I be right now? What would I be doing in my free time?

I’m not sure. A part of me wonders if I’d be doing more photography stuff. I love photography, but only do it as a hobby and don’t do it that much anymore. But would I have chosen photography as my passion? Or would there be something else? :thinking:


Watching more anime.
Reading more manga.
Playing plenty of video games.

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I’ve actually replaced my writing time with reading, drawing/ painting and playing video games. I’m trying to get back to writing but it’s hard for me to be okay with writing when other people are around but I’ll only have to deal with this for a few more months.

What I am now. I’m not “just a writer”, and so “I do what I want”. Its only sometimes that that is devoted to writing.

That and I have a personality type that refuses to be defined by a mere facet.

I used to draw and paint a lot, and compose music until writing squeezed those things out. If I lost the ability to write for some reason, I assume I’d go back to them…? In fact, my first project would be to start the webcomic I’ve been thinking about for so long. ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯

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I might have gone into illustration, actually. I used to love making little comic-like drawings out of characters I created long before I started writing. Also did some watercolor painting with pencils. Might have done more of that.

Might have pursued poetry more seriously. In terms of writing, poetry is definitely more of a hobby.

Might have actually gotten voice lessons instead of wistfully looking at the high prices and then putting all the money into buying watercolor pencils. Another thing I loved was singing, but never in front of people XD Probably wouldn’t have pursued a singing career, but I might have actually gotten voice lessons because I was always interested in them. Still might, some day.

Might have pursued piano more. I used to take piano lessons and definitely want to get back into it again some day.

The problem is, I have too many hobbies that I could have chosen from to do one of them more seriously XD

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I don’t know. Writing is all I have.

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I’d probably be very bored because there’s really nothing else to do at home

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I’d probably stalk alena more. :eyes: (shes my friend its a joke x3)
No but really I’d probably learn and instrument or dive deep into my studies.

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Definitely play more piano. I’m not the best pianist around by far but I do have enough skill to learn a few pieces on my own. Learning pieces take a ton of time, and if I’ve devoted all of my time writing to piano-playing, my repertoire would’ve tripled or quadrupled by now.

I probably would’ve watched more shows too XD

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i’m always tired.

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What I already do and can’t find enough time for! Walking, gardening, working out, watching figure-skating, reading and playing video-games. Video-games in particular just took a back seat to writing lately.

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I’m honestly not sure. Most likely would have gotten more into video games and drawing fan art for it, since that’s what I did before I started writing. But maybe would’ve continued playing music (the violin, maybe would’ve tried piano), or practiced more for field hockey. It’s hard to think about what I would’ve done had I not decided to write. I feel like my life would be a lot different :thinking:

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Okay, the actual answer? Probably walking Oscar, or going to the gym. What else? Looking into a theory of some sort and learning about it. Fixing things up. Music too.

Perhaps more art and design. Or maybe I’d finally have learned to play the keyboard properly


My writing motivation is extremely ups-and-downs, and I’ve learned during the downs that it’s best to let myself recharge and do other things instead of trying to force myself to write. So it’s a lot of jewelry making, baking, cooking, kickboxing, managing my side hustles, and researching random things.