For me it is The Endurlon… Mainly because I have neglected it for too long, and it is a deep and filling endeavour to get all that I want to portray in it’s writing.
Though I do have a few others which are also neglected, I feel that this one has more need of my attention. For its content is much more, and it will take more chapters to envisage it fully.
This also makes me feel sad that I have also neglected ICE and other smaller tales that I have in the works…
I need to get back to some sort of order. and rota to write them all in turn, but mostly focus on The Endurlon firstly.
I’m not sure I can put my finger on it, but it’s a combination of things: I love the themes–revenge, loss and self-sacrifice. I love the dynamic of the characters: a selfish, hedonistic playboy and a traumatized introvert bent on revenge. I love the superficial gentility of what was actually a brutal, vicious time period. I don’t know, really, why I love this story, but I’m trying to get back into writing it again by rereading it on my Kindle, and I’m loving it as I’m reading it, though it’s hard to say just why. Just a certain je ne sais quoi…? ¯\_(ﭢ)_/¯
How about you? Can you pinpoint just what it is that makes you love Project Truth?
The Hunt for Azurean Shadows has been my main focus since last year (aside from the brief break to participate in a short contest)
Meant to start posting it by autumn this year, but I feel it needs to have more progress done before that. It’s my first foray into mystery, which is a genre I’ve been super interested in exploring for a while. So far I’m liking this more down-to-earth yet paranormal plot, and have loved developing the mystery aspect.
With any luck I’ll take advantage of our break on December to put more focus into it