Who you gonna call? A ghostwriter???

I recently learned about this thing called homeopathy. It’s basically a placebo effect type of medication. I learned about it through reading up on Tina Turner who took this medicine and it made her worse. It’s like really watered-down medicine. The higher dosage, the less medicine in the capsule, but the idea is that the water will remember the medicine.

Idk if this is what you did, but it made me think of it. You don’t have to say if this is the one or not if you’re uncomfortable talking about it.


As for ghostwriting, the only issue I have with it is when the author doesn’t disclose they used a ghostwriter, and when people ask, they lie that they didn’t use a ghostwriter .


Ghost in the Shell Typewriter.


That’s what I went through. It was a terrible ordeal and I hate being treated like a lab rat.


Aw, poor you! :pleading_face:

You’re out of that now, right?

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Yes. No more meds.

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Good to hear. At least you’re not on those anymore :grimacing:

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