Why are rich and royals in fantasy or science-fiction somewhat or always the same?


I was recommended this thread, so, going to respond :grin:

Yes. Publishing houses notice what sells and they keep feeding us the same thing over and over and over and overā€¦

Completely, utterly, saturated with the samey stuff.

So, you write what you wanna write. You donā€™t have to force the difference onto the character and neither do you need to feel forced to do the same thing as everyone else.

I have a prince who pretends to be a commoner and then turns into a serial murderer and master manipulator. I also have a princess who leads her people into a war like all the other royals do.

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Itā€™s like taking a risk in this world is means for absolute failure, especially if money is involved.

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Possibly absolute failure.

Big companies who also have a reputation to uphold donā€™t want to take risks.

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So, thatā€™s why things are either trite or mostly trite.

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