Why are they so few undead protagonists? Or inhuman protagonists in general?

I’m just thinking about how unbelieveably offensive that would be if Undead were a thing in the real world


But I dont think ite a fear of evil, now, that holds it back. I think its more a fear of accepting that there’s something that is innately evil and not morally subjective. Most things that are evil because they are “born that way” are highly romanticised because of the “born that way” arguments of today.

Sadly its more complex than an absolute. A “born that way” psychopath: a person who is predisposed does NOT automaticslly kill people without remorse.

The thing is that we will debate nature vs nurture for that, but let anyone touch sexual identity or orientation and apply the same arguments for nature vs nurture.

And that’s sometning that is stirred by every inheritantly evil creature.

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Not to get too deep into praising Overlord, but over time it is clear that Ains’ loss of humanity is not so much due to his undead nature but rather, lust for power. Before getting Isekaied, he had no real agency in his life at all, not even being able to afford actual food.

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But that’s also “born that way”. He was born into his Iselai form predisposed for the “failures” he made. If that part had been taken fromnhim as he was reborn, he’d be inherantly too different to becime what hw was in his 2nd life.

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It is a more explored kind of “born that way”. A lot more interesting than saying “He is evil because he is undead”.

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A fsirly safe one to do, too.

The problem is that when people talk about inheritantly evil entities, they do so for a reason. An incubus isn’t just sex incarnate , he’s not asking for permission . They are night terrors. To make them lighter characters, you have to divorce them from inherantly problematic backgrounds. And at that point you have aparkly vampires.

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I made a weird globby demon species which are based on them, Amacualli, and they mostly just manipulate dreams, cause nightmares, and shapeshift into banana spiders. The sexual part is there but downplayed.

And that’s the problem I have with my A Riding Need. The ML is half Incubus. He resists his nature, but its called into question the whole time. I don’t conpletely answr the question u til close to the end, as to why he cant use force.

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What’s the other half?

Well, if youre forcing peoples dreams, in scifi terms, its usually called mental rape . Nighrnares and an incubus nature are not diffrentiated between.

Whime I delat heavily with enjoying fey commands in an explicit manner , I showed times where it was used for more than intimacy.

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A crow born in the Tuatha’s territory or a Fey crow, so not a creature of Earth, but looks similar. Would be like the crow in Maleficient.

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Basically, I dont shy awsy from very uncomfortable subjects. Im just aware that its uncomfortable.

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sits awkwardly in “I have undead protagonists”


You are part of a very small club. Welcome!


I loved this movie XD

Maybe people think undead is hard to write? What is the arc? What happens in the story? Nothing? They are too powerful to be a protag? Overpowered?

Does undead always have to be zombies? Can immortal humans be considered undead? What about if a human was made immortal and also made to never die because of the demon he’s attached to? Is that undead?

Maybe there’s just too little leeway for making an original undead character, so people decide to avoid it?


Do they keep their soul in a weird place? Maybe.

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A simple rule is that the undead are a mockery of life and the living. It’s not just about living forever, it’s living as your flesh rots away.

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What’s a weird place?

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Hmm…then I guess not. At least, not my character.

But do you want to read a story about a zombie with personality? I think it’s just really hard to pull off a zombie story without making it cliche.

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There’s a zombie detective series out there. Zombies only really get crazy in their latest iterations.