Writing Site Updates


When you login on the main site, if you haven’t synced your account, it’ll give you the option to do so. Your email has to be the same though in both places.

The notice should be top left of the home page.


Is the break off title intentional? I’ve spotted this multiple times…

No, that page needs a formatting update.


Okay. Also the reads and “posted on” section is in white, and unreadable in dark mode on the white background. Also that the numbers keep coming onto the covers of the previous books.

Yeah, the whole page needs a different grid design.


and… I see different views counts for the same book on different pages. Like in the ‘all time’ it says 32, in rising, it says 21. Any particular reason or a syncing issue?

The view counts vary based on which chart you’re looking at. All time shows reads since the beginning of time, rising shows reads tallied in the last 30 days, and trending shows reads tallied in the last 24 hours.

It’s to help offset the issue of a book with most reads of all time but that hasn’t been updated in 2 years not necessarily overshadowing books that are more recent.

As the site ages, that will start to show a more sensical number - right now, when we’re not quite 3 weeks old, the numbers are going to be closer together.

You posted Burn It To The Ground on June 27th (a month before the site launch), so the 21 reads will be the most accurate in terms of reads you’ve received recently.

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Ah okay, thank you! That makes sense!
And honestly, it’s about time a site had a way to counter the old and popular books problem.

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Heh we thought so too. And since we’re keeping track of reads this early, we’ll be able to use that in future algorithms and stats when we have the ability to expand those functionalities.

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to add to this, after syncing the account, you can also change your username and password to exactly match your forum login if you want to. That’s what I did.


Yup exactly! That’s one of the things I like best about Wacky, it takes writer issues, and then comes up with great, working solutions to them!

These should be fixed now.

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Yup! It’s a lot better!
Only thing is, the author names and titles are now invisible white in dark mode.
Can’t see them:

Okie updated this too.

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Works now!

New functionality in beta: “Distraction Free Reading”

New button in books to hide comments, reviews, stats, etc and give you a fullscreen reading experience.

Lemme know if you find bugs! :beetle:


Do y’all want emails when you get new comments?


If I can get automatic notices to my phone without it? No.

Not everytime… maybe a weekly update sort of thing?

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