YouTube For Writers...?

I wish I was naturally good. I suppose practice helps though. I’ve definitely been able to be careful not to ramble more these days than before.

If it really looks like they’re reading it and it’s monotone, then I might click off unless I desperately need to know what they’re going to say.


As an encouragement, I think practice really makes a big difference.

There’s this one podcast I listen to (Story Nerd). The first season, you could hear that the hosts were reading all material that they prepared in advance. It was a bit dry sometimes but I was interested in their approach which is why I stuck around despite that.

And in later seasons they sounded better and better. I’m sure they’re still reading their notes but it no longer sounds like they’re reading. It sounds more like they’re speaking to me.

Practice, confidence, and I think the approach makes a difference too. Imagine you’re speaking to one particular person, not giving a speech to a crowd.


Thanks. And sometimes I forget to have fun :sweat_smile:

That’s a good tip. I usually just talk and forget to imagine.


Late response, I know. Been a crazy couple of weeks.

For this I would recommend reading Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie. Never seen anyone do it better (though I’m not very well read, in fairness).

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Depends, I enjoy live streams and reactions by people like EFAP and Nerdrotic as much as their scripted stuff.

I don’t think the scripted vs unscripted question has an answer; both can be good, depends on the skill(s) of the creator(s), much like writing.



I was having an off day that day :sweat_smile:


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