A loud and clear mind?

Oh my god!

I just have to express how insane my mind is.

Like, I have a rather LOUD and VIVID mind. It’s like watching a weird movie with the volume up.

It is the freakiest thing and it greatly unnerving too.
Regardless, if it truly is indeed a product of ADHD or something a bit different, the point is my mind is loud, vibrant, and super clear.

I get so lost in my mind because it is that intense and scattered.
Holy hell! I thought that was just my creative mind being weird, but it happens CONSTANTLY and for different reasons.

Also, when I am too deep into my thoughts, my emotions get affected by it greatly.

It is bizarre as hell and my mind just doesn’t stop.
Thoughts and feelings?


Only in part. I was far more vivid aa a kid, but I don’t see in pictures much overall, so while my mind may be intense, its not a bunch of SHINY THINGS, but more LET’S LOGIC THIS TO ITS END. So if you want to see me get a scattered obsessive distracted mind, give me a problem to solve–it dossnt have to be math, it could be a particular mess of a story that needs clarifying–which happens often enough on my own.


But ai will say that if you put on sometbing BRIGHT AND SHINEY, I’ll lose my mind to it for a few minutes.


Yeah, with me, I have a mind where I come up with the strangest scenarios/thoughts that leave me absurdly distracted for a long while.

It’s super interesting though. It’s really like I am watching an clear and vibrant movie of pure nonsense on blast.

As I am watching what goes on in my mind, I get affected by it like something is actually happening in front of me and is tangible.

When it is my mind being super loud and clear as a sunny day.
That’s a good and bad thing.

It’s good because my creative mind is a bit godly in that regard, but it is still bad because I get heavily distracted and lost in it.


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As long as you can still tell the difference between that and reality, you’re doinf pretty good.

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I am glad for that.

I do get hyper vivid dreams where the next day I wake up I often wondering if that dream actually happened in real life or not?

That always get me. It doesn’t happen often, because now my dreams at night are super vivid and a bit distracting that I either can’t sleep well enough or don’t want to get up from my sleep.


Its normal to be disoriented when you just wake up. I had that on a wholly inappropriate subject once and I’m highly disturbed until I was sure it didnt happen.

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True, but, I would ask my mom if what happened in my dream actually happened in reality. She would give me a weird look then reply with a no or a no and a laugh.


Sorry, for calling you guys out like that. I just want your thoughts on this.

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Have you ever felt your brain be licked before after you wake up after a long sleep and it feels fuzzy?

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I my imagination is crowded but noisy


Gives Diatave, Nika, Brumrainia and Luci all gobstoppers and cookies to quieten them


I don’t think so.
Actually, probably not because my sleeping pattern are terrible.


Is it like a densely populated city with heavy traffic?

Emphasis on the word heavy.

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That’s interesting.


Probably the only way I could see that happening is when I was younger as oppose to now.

There was one time I vaguely remember when I was younger that I went to sleep in the afternoon or close to evening then when I woke up it was the next day.

I was like “what happened?”

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Anyone else?

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I think a lot of creatives even without ADHD tend to see things vividly in a way that others might not. I literally have entire movies, soap operas, shows of my own making with years of several seasons…in my head. It’s frustrating when I can SEE everything in my head and then I go to translate it with words/art and it comes out like…stick figure or I’ve forgotten all words. :laughing:

My therapist describes ADHD like a TV. Non-ADHD people can hear the TV and let’s say, someone talking to them, and their brain goes, oh, okay, the TV is not important, push that to the back somewhere. With ADHD, the brain is like TV and person talking is the same volume/importance. Now make that ten TVs on ten different channels on at all times and it’s hard to “put it in the background” unless we’re hyper focused on something in particular which can be great, but also bad because then we go, “SHUT OFF EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS EVEN IF THERE’S A FIRE BC DOPAMINE ON THIS THING RN.” :grin:


Mhm I sort of feel like this when I am experiencing derealization/dissociation. Not in exactly the same way, I am also neurodivergent so thats probably a huge contributing factor.

Because I think our similiar issue stems from different reasons, I am not sure if this will help, but grounding techniques really helped me to learn how go stay present. Like meditations, routines, sitting with your feelings. I also found it really helpful to have something to physically “stim” with, like a fidget toy. It helps focus your nervous feelings into the present moment so you’re able to sort through the brain clutter more efficently.

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