About the Feedback, Resources, Tutorials, & Misc. category

Are you looking for feedback on your art or graphics?
Are you secretly an art teacher and want to share your knowledge?
Maybe you just found the best art resources online and want to share them.
Or maybe you’re just doing a castlist or faceclaim list for fun and want to share those.

This is where artists can ask for or provide constructive feedback, provide tutorials and resources for the community, and share their cast lists for their books, along with other miscellaneous design-related threads. Please be sure to put any/all graphic(s)in the thread!

Tags for this category:
art-design-help: This thread is looking for help on their artwork/design work.
artistic-feedback: This thread is looking for or offering feedback on traditional/digital art, like character design.
design-feedback: This thread is looking for or offering feedback on non-traditional design, like covers, story ads, banners, etc.
graphic-resources: This thread is offering or looking for resources for graphics, design, or art.
tutorial: This thread is offering or asking for a tutorial on something art/design/graphic related.
castlists: This thread is sharing or requesting feedback on a cast list.
faceclaims: This thread is sharing or requesting feedback on a face claim list.