🤯 Any other AI art addicts here? 🤯

OMG. I found a secret to making DALLE2 work. Need to combine the powers of all AIs. Buahahaha.

The starting image, generated in DALLE2 from a prompt, I also gave the inpainting a try attempting to fix her face. Didn’t do much. This is the “best” of the results.

I put that faceless thing through dualstyleGAN and created her

I thought, ok, I like her. She could be Tristine. Let’s keep going. So I gave DALLE2 Outpainting a try. I put her in there and added a prompt and through a series of many many many generations, I’ve arrived at this!

It wasn’t quick and easy. It took a lot of tries and a lot of credits. I had to delete areas and regenerate them (and I found that it does a better job generating large areas than small ones - don’t use it for touchups). But the point is that it is possible to do that!

Ok. I have 11 credits left on DALLE2. So little credits, so much to do!!! But I also have to use them by the end of the month so I can try again. But which character should I work on next? hmmm