Art for Reads/Reviews Shop [OPEN]


Hello, I am looking to get some views on my book [ Alimuom ] and I was down to offer my art skills in exchange for some inline reviews, comments, etc…

Order Menu

  • 1 chibi icon for 8-10 inline comments and 3 reactions.
    • spread across as many chapters of your choosing.

If you want something else, don’t hesitate to comment down below for any other offers. I am willing to barter.

Important Information

My carrd for information about me, my commissions, and art samples.
If you want a quick glance at my art portfolio, check my Cara.


  1. to be added
  2. to be added
  3. to be added


I’d be happy to read through your book!

Are you looking for any specific sort of comments in particular (like feedback/criticism) or do you just want comments about what I enjoyed in each chapter?

Also, is there a time limit you need this done by? (It won’t be a problem unless something comes up, just trying to figure out how to pace myself)

Sorry for the late reply, I don’t mind reactionary comments or feedback/critiques. I don’t have a timeline for when I need it done.

1 Like

No worries! And don’t worry about doing a chibi or something! If you want to you can, but don’t feel obligated to! Getting to read something interesting is reward enough :slightly_smiling_face:

I have a couple of works I’ve promised other people I’ll read first, then I’ll give yours a read and some comments/feedback!

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