Ask me anything (pertaining to Tales of Alterra)! [CLOSED]

AHHHH I see!


OOOH A CASTE SYSTEM!! Dive into that pls

:pensive: I don’t suppose she would let me borrow some brain cells.

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There is a four ranking caste system.

  1. Regals are the royals and nobility. They are the second highest ranked in the caste system. The first is the Dei who is the Sovereign and their court. They are considered the highest and the Sovereign is viewed as a deity.

  2. Patricians are the celebrities and other standard wealthy people. Even upper middle class are placed here too.

  3. Clerks are the commoners or rather the common folks who aren’t rich or royalty/nobility, but they are above the Blanks.

  4. Blanks are the lowest of the low and are the homeless and poor. Most people don’t acknowledge their existence and pretty much don’t care about them.

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Hey there,

Your thread looks like it’s better suited to #writing-support , so I’ve gone ahead and moved it there for you.

–ash :wackywriters:

Thanks a bunch.

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No problem! Good luck with your book!

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Again, thanks a bunch! LOL!


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  1. Foust rationally fears what?

  2. What is Faust irrational about?

  3. If Faust was chased by a skeleton, would she scream or would she take it’s head and go bowling with the rest of it as the pins?

  4. If she was shoved into our world, what would worry her the most?

  5. What fictional character is common to their folklore?

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This is going to seem weird, but Faust fears herself. Being a Necromancer and all, she is a bit fearful of her powers and that fact that she can resurrect and control the dead at will.

I suppose the reanimate dead targeting her.

She would be a bit worried and scared at first, but she will eventually calm down and attack it.

She would worry about her livelihood more than whatever everyone else is doing.
She is an immortal who can resurrect and control the dead.
Far as everyone else, probably how judgmental and crazy humans can be. Don’t get me wrong there are humans on Alterra, but they are nothing like the humans on Earth/real life.

Faust wouldn’t know anything about that, nor does she care.


What is Faust’s biggest dream? Where would she see herself in 10 - 15 years if the plot weren’t happening?

Also, what’s your world’s politics like? How many countries are there and what are their dynamics? What history brought this around?

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Plot aside, Faust would still want to become a Knight.

Monarchies. Monarchies everywhere. Even the planet is ruled by a monarch known as the Sovereign.

Since Alterra is an absurdly vast and massive world, there is a staggering total of 5000 countries and some of those countries aren’t even fleshed out yet. There are only a few hundred countries that are getting noticed by me.

There are also 1000 Shadowlands that are still around too. A Shadowland is a ghost nation. Pretty much a nation not inhabited by any person, but the buildings still stand tall.

That requires a SHIT ton of explaining. LOL!

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Slight Change: Faust was still born in prison but wasn’t placed in some orphanage. She was adopted by a Knight and the very same Knight stopped her mother from completing her goal. The same Knight renamed her too. Faust’s real name is Faustina, but her name given to her by her birth father would have been Kaiser. I think it is better that her adoptive father changed her name.
She is still going to be a Sweeper, but she will attend school too. So, she works part time.
Some things are staying the same. She’ll still become a Knight like her adoptive father and do her goal.

Far as being a troubled child, that is still present at first because she eventually grows up and matures.

That is all I got far as the changes.
Also, her adoptive Knight father retired from serving in the Knighthood Alliance so that he could care better for Faust.

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  1. What are Faust’s preferred ways of fighting if someone attacks her?
  2. Does she have any hidden talents?
  3. What items does she always carry around with her?


  1. Alterra is the name of a planet or country? Sorry, I can’t remember.
  2. What’s the name of the most populated location in Alterra?
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Using her fist. Yeah, she was a violent and troublesome child growing up. That is still there today only difference is that she is a bit on the loner side.

She is very observant of people’s body language. Able to study their eyes and can easily tell who is truthful or lying with ease.

Amazing at cooking and baking.

Surprisingly, Faust would make a great leader which is shocking in her situation.

The necklace her birth father gave her with her original name Kaiser. Faust’s adoptive father changed it to Faustina and she has kept it ever since.

There is also a ring that Faust wears that her birth mother placed on her so that she can know her whereabouts.

It is an absurdly massively vast planet.

If you must know, the population of Alterra is ridiculously large.

It is over a hundred trillion and it is still raising. The thing about Alterra is that the planet will NEVER suffer overpopulation. There are 5000 current nations and 1000 Shadowlands (ghost nations) on Alterra.
It is just too vast and massive for a planet.

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So she gets to live out her dream. Is there any particular reason this is her goal? And how important is this goal to her?

Ooh. How is the soverign chosen? (or how was the dynasty chosen?) What are the rules of succesion?

When you say massive, you mean MASSIVE. That is a whole lot of countries. Any particular reason there’s so many?

I can imagine. How about something shorter: What are the major wars that shaped the history of Alterra? Or maybe the important wars in the history of the MC’s country?
How did the current peace (or state of war) come about?


With all the changes that I’ve made, I came up with this.

Her adoptive father was a famous Knight who put his job and duties on hold to care for her. She just wants to follow into her father’s footsteps and serve the world.

It is very important. She wants to see what the Knight life is like and understand why her father left it for her.

It is quite interesting.

The First Ones (a highly advanced alien race who are the closest thing to gods) are the beings who created the world of Alterra. The Sovereign role is chosen by the Grand Elders who selects the worthy among the Fifteen Dynasties. The Fifteen Dynasties are a bunch of noble (they are actually royalty just like the Sovereign) houses who serve the Sovereign and live in luxury. The Grand Elders hold a special tournament where the Fifteen Dynasties fight each other and show off their natural talent in superpowers and elsewhere. The winner becomes the Sovereign and rules the planet for 100,000 years. The winner’s family is elevated to a higher position.

The First Ones made it like that since there was a CRAP ton of them.

I can’t say that living on Alterra is a peaceful one and a happy one. There are problems EVERYWHERE on Alterra. One thing I can say is that there only a tiny number of wars that took place on Alterra.

The Sovereign doesn’t tolerate such things as war and violence on that scale. The tiny number of wars that have taken place were barely considered wars. Since the Sovereign controls the world, everything that happens to the Sovereign affects Alterra. So, if the Sovereign hurt or upset or in a good mood or even a terrible mood, the world will suffer harshly because of it.

Wars between countries are STRICTLY forbidden and will cause both nations to get blown right off the face of Alterra. Forget becoming a Shadowland, two warring nations will cease to exist by order of Sovereign. The most wars that Alterra has dealt with are civil wars within a nation. Those happen sometimes, but still they happen, and the Knighthood Alliance intervenes on that.

However, war between nations and world wars do not and cannot happen at all.

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Does Faust have any friends/allies?

Are there any creatures that exist on Alterra that don’t exist in ours?

Who is this person that the crime syndicate wants to resurrect and do they want that person to rule?

(Sorry if any of these were already asked!)

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Okay, based on that…

  1. Does Alterra have countries or states or…districts? How is the land divided?
  2. What are the time zones like for each region?
  3. What’s the name of the hottest place and the coldest place?
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No. Faust is doesn’t have friends, nor does she want any. That might change later on in the story.

Too many to count and most of them aren’t even fleshed out.

A man named Izren. Faust’s biological grandfather and the twin brother of the first Sovereign. Yes, Phara (Izren’s daughter and Faust’s birth mother) actually wants her father to take over as Sovereign.

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Alterra has 5000 countries and 1000 Shadowlands. Each country is ruled by a monarch. There is something that I have to say because I forgot to mention it. In the world of Alterra, there are Skyland Nations/Higher Realms and Surface World Nations/Lower Realms. Pretty much there are countries that float high in the sky and countries that reside on ground. There are even a few man-made countries as well though they mostly act as secondary homes to the Fifteen Dynasties.

Honestly, I was thinking about this too and it got me stump.
Depending on the country/region, the time zones are wonky as hell.

Since Alterra is very much different than Earth in nearly every single way, I am really going to have to put some thought into that because I am really stumped.

What I can say is this about the nation Faust lives in. Daytime is really short, but the nights are too long.

Kelva-hottest place.

Plux-coldest place.

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