Brainstorming thing - a quest with dragons but not to destroy them? [updated]

Maybe go for a wish-granting-fish like the fairytales.


Giant octopus in Oklahoma


Maybe a giant beta fish. Those are really pretty.

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oh my gosh, I searched and it came up as Oklahoma Octopus XD

The OO :laughing: ooooooooo :hushed:

Looks like Oklahoma has its own personal kraken.

I’ve never been to Oklahoma.

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It is the state with the most Native American reservations!


Joe A Rector, Native American artist lived there in Muskogee.

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That’s cool :open_mouth:

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@JohnnyTuturro @J.L.O @NotARussianBot @SecretDurham

Updated the idea, you guys :grin: Option 3. Check it out.

I’m not sure what to do with the lake creature. Not sold on the octopus :stuck_out_tongue: I keep thinking about an ocean, and I don’t want an ocean appearance in the story. The only other famous lake creature I know of is the Lochness Monster. Or, maybe, there could be a giant piranha or something.

Not sure what to do with the wind creature. I have the idea for a giant bird. But that’s it.

Also, as a placeholder, I said “new king” but it could be a queen. Or it could be an evil king and an evil queen. Haven’t decided. But I don’t know how many stories there are with an evil royal couple, so that could be interesting to write. Usually it’s just one of them, right? What about two menaces? The royal menaces. Maybe their last name sounds like “menace” XD

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If you do it complex enough, what you’d have is 2 of them who are quite evil, who think they are the heroes of the story…because a lot of things we assign to the ML of these crazy stories is not as good as it appears.


Corrupt a creature which lives in freshwater environments such as an Otter, Beaver or Create your own. Water Serpents have been used in the past (British Folktales like The Lambton Worm). I have use the Lambton Worm in a “Rough Draft” of something I wrote for fun many years ago.

Huge Airborne Terror… Native American tales talk of the Thunderbird… That is a maybe…
I have Death Owls (Huge in size, deep black plumage with a white skull looking markings upon the face).

Why not? One could be more cruel than the other, yet both evil indeed.

I have three Sorcerers, two are bound by mind to the third using Blood Magic…



Those things frickin hunt sperm whales! They make The Roc look like a chicken in comparison!

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Maybe they think using the gem and controlling the elemental creatures is actually an act of good? Like how some people try to tame wild horses because maybe they think the wild isn’t a good place for them to live?

Then I could have a message like, wild creatures belong in the wild and not in cages.

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I completely forgot the existence of these animals XD

The Lambton Worm? Never heard of that. Gonna go look it up, thanks :grin:

I initially wrote thunderbird in that post! I was right about it’s existence. I just couldn’t remember the culture, and I didn’t want to be wrong about it.

That’s pretty cool. Is this a major predator in your story?

Huh…how does that work? If they are bound by mind to the third, does that mean the third one has control over them?

I’m reminded of the lore of the rat king. All these rats connected at the tail with one main rat entity controlling them all. I actually used this rat king lore in one of my stories. I even saw a picture of a supposed real rat king :grimacing:

Which is a good controversial message to have, as it’s not often addressed.

It’s far more complex irl. For example: a lot of horses now bred wouldn’t survive in the wild. They need human care.

What our ancestors did was take animals to breed them to our benefit, not to theirs. Sometimes we bettered their lives, but it’s rare.

For example, cows live, what, about 20 years? We slaughter them at 4, 5 years old, IF we allow them to be full grown. Our food industry doesn’t allow them to live a long, fulfilling life. I’m saying this as someone who will eat that hamburger as I’m saying it.

There was a farmer who had a calf that was born without it’s full skull plate, when we lived up north. This cow had to be extremely sheltered and hand-fed. They grew it to full-size and then humanely slaughtered it, when it was time, just like the rest of the cows. They basically raised it on very loose veal practices, which in ANY other case would be very inhumane.

So, you can go deeper, into the conditions of those being controlled not being bred safely, and being quite twisted, and not good for the species as a whole, so that you can have both sides of the argument, where you’re asking “who are we to judge the value of this life and it’s limitations” vs. sheer exploitation.

A bit of research into such practices will make for a complex ethical situation, on which only those who are at the extremes are fully comfortable, as in those who espouse “survival of the fittest” as their mantra will have no qualms no matter what is done to the animal, while “every natural life is sacred” will want as little interaction as possible, as they are the extremes.

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I’m quite familiar with this, actually. I did my undergrad thesis on tigers :stuck_out_tongue: I know the ones in captivity can’t be released into the wild. I used this in my lionkind story where the lionkind biped princess was born in captivity. So when she finally goes out into the wild, she doesn’t know how to catch prey because she would always get easy prey in her enclosure.

This is something more fitting for the lionkind biped story, actually :stuck_out_tongue: It shows humans controlling the lionkinds’ life from outside their enclosure. When the humans selfishly decide not to care anymore, the lionkind suffer because now they’ve grown to rely on the humans from everything to food, shelter, safety, water, and medical needs.

There’s a kind human that expresses frustration and anger about the humans that don’t care and would let the lionkind die of sickness and starvation, but then he also says the lionkind cannot be released into the wild. So, how to save them? That becomes a conversation. The princess decides to save her kind herself, but she’s never been outside the enclosure, so that becomes a big challenge.

Anyway, I decided not to have that message in the quest story. Maybe I’ll decide to have it later. Maybe. Idk. I don’t want to complicate things from the start, or I’m not going to write it. This is just going to be a fun quest story for now :wink:

Wild horses are like mustangs. It is closer in their minds to saving stray dogs and cats.

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I don’t blame you. It’s really only an issue once you go and make decisions and those things have severe implications.


Yeah, and is that what your looking for? Something very powerful?


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For dragon-friendly stories, have a browse through Terry Pratchett’s works. In the Disc World dragons are a natural part of the Eco-system, and sometimes kept as pets. There’s one illustrated Pratchett story (cannot remember it’s name) where dragons are used as a spaceship’s rocket propulsion.

I also recommend the animated films and TV series How to Train Your Dragon.


Not a major, but they play their part in the tale as it unfolds…

They are brothers… They were children gifted to the race of men by the Gods… They were created and ordained to bring the realm of men into great prosperity, but it was not so… Temulkar the eldest looked away from his ordained purpose, and his thoughts looked towards the cruelty of nature… The creatures that formed the circle of life in a lesser form, bugs and such… Their desire to survive intrigued him, and their kill and devour without thought ever more…
In time he began to hold that will of life dear to his heart, and mind, and towards his brothers did he see control beyond measure… As he grew in power, and understanding of those dark ways, he began his endeavor for a lust of total dominion. And through his cruel experiments he drew upon a darkness of the world, and with Blood Magic he began to craft…
After many hundreds of years he developed his skill and cruelty… And through his long time developed knowledge of Blood Magic he bound his brothers minds to his… One who could bind his thoughts to others, and like a hive mind he would know their thoughts, and their sight was revealed to him also… Under his control they did what was ordained by him, and had no power to resist his will…

I guess, that the binding of minds would be likened to the “Rings of Power” in Tolkien’s Great Tale… But I had thought to do this a little differently…